Seminar on Discover Your Dream Career

23rd October, 2023
The North East Education Centre in collaboration with Mount Everest College organized a One Day Seminar on “DISCOVER YOUR DREAM CAREER” on 23rd October, 2018 (Thursday) at the College Auditorium. The seminar has the following as resource persons:
Dr. Rajendra Mutta, Prof. Civil Engineering, Bannari Amman Institution, Tamil Nadu
Mr. Suresh Ngangkham, Director NEEC
Ms. Phila Zimik, PRO, NEEC
Ms. Lydia Potsangbam, Counsellor, NEEC

Dr. Rajendra, Prof. Civil Engineering, Bannar Amman Institution deliberated on the importance of discovering one owns dream career. Each one of us, he said, has unique talents, passions, and interest that shape who we are and what we aspire to become. Yet, too often, people find themselves stuck in jobs that fail to ignite their passion or fulfill their potential. Thus, he encouraged the participants to break free from the shackles of conformity and embark on a journey to discover one’s dream careers.
Mr. Suresh Ngankham, Director NEEC, begins his talk with the question “How do you discover your dream career?”. He said that it starts with self-reflection and therefore one must take time to explore one’s interests, passions and values.
Further, Ms. Phila Zimik, PRO NEEC, deliberated on finding dream career without worrying the paycheck. Finding one’s dream career is about finding purpose, fulfillment and joy in what one do every day. She also emphasized on exploring the options and not being limited by the conventions.
In conclusion, Ms. Lydia Potsangbam, Counsellor NEEC talks about discovering one’s dream career as a journey of Self-discovery, exploration and engage. She illustrates that the journey of discovery is about finding that perfect intersection between skills, passions and values.

Seminar on Mental Health

4th February, 2019
A seminar on Mental Health was conducted on 4th February, 2019 (Monday) on the theme “Social Anxiety and Eating Disorders” at the College Auditorium with 287 participants including the students and staff of the college.
            The resource person of the event Miss Golmei Landuanliu Olivia, M.Sc. in Clinical Forensic and Health Psychology, New Castle University, England deliberated on some specific themes of Mental Health and its outlets like loss, depression, social anxiety, sexuality, psychological and social well-being.
            Shri. Gonmei Meithuanlungpou, Acting Principal, Mount Everest College in his welcome address said that Mental Health helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make healthy choices.
            Shri. Roshan Shagolsem, HoD., Department of English and Academic Dean, Mount Everest College in his Keynote address stressed on the benefits of Mental Health and its risk in the present era.

Seminar on Financial Literacy

6th September, 2019
            Mount Everest College in Collaboration with National Stock Exchange and SEBI conducted a seminar on Financial Literacy with the college staffs and students on 6th September, 2019 at the College Chapel Hall.
            Shri Pratyush Bhaskar, Business Journalist, Mumbai and resource person of the event delivered an insightful lecture on the need on Financial Literacy. He stressed on the importance of equipping ourselves with the knowledge on Finance to make informed decisions, managing and creating budgets, tracking personal spending that will lend to monetary stability and a higher quality of life.
            A total of ________ participants participated in the Seminar. The seminar was a success with all attendees benefitting from the lecture.

Seminar on Career Prospects in SBI

11th October, 2019
            State Bank of India in collaboration with Mount Everest College organized a seminar on “Career Prospects in State Bank of India” on 11th October, 2019 at the College auditorium. The seminar has the following as the resource persons:
Shr. Altias Akumsang – Chief Manager, Imphal Branch
Shri. Rauta Khuotong – Assistant Manager, Imphal Branch
Shri. Kenedy, Assistant Manager SBI, Senapati Branch
Shri Altias Akumang, Chief Manager SBI
, Regional Business office, Imphal highlighted various career prospects for individuals interested in the Banking sector. He elucidated the potential career path within the corporate office in SBI such as management roles, finance and accounting, Human Resources, Information Technology etc. He encouraged the participants to consider the Job prospects in SBI as it is in high demand and can help people live a better quality of life.
Shri Rauta Khuotong, Assistant Manager, Imphal Branch deliberated on the promotion policy of SBI. The promotion policy at SBI offers meritorious and exceptionally talented officers the opportunity to reach the top management grade quickly.
Shri. Kenedy, Assistant Manager, SBI Senapati Branch spoke on SBI life Insurance that offers life individual and group insurance plans and policies. He also shared tips on how to crack banking exams, providing students with the knowledge on exam patterns and syllabus.
A total of ________ attendees participated in the Seminar program. The Seminar expose all participants to a wide range of career options in SBI. The program was a success with all attendees learning valuable information about career opportunities, Job security, networking opportunities, skill development, career growth and industry insight within one of the leading banks of India.

Seminar on Mental Health and Young Adult

12th November, 2019
            Mount Everest College in collaboration with the District Mental Health Programme, Senapati conducted a One Day Seminar on “Mental Health and Young Adult” on 12th November, 2019 at the College Auditorium. Resource speakers of the event were:
Dr. Ngouniba Peter, District Nodal Officer, Mental Health Programme, Senapati
Dr. Paveine Pauline, Clinical Psychologist, District Mental Health Programme, Senapati.

Dr. Ngouniba Peter in his session advocate that the most frequent mental health problem in young adults are depression, suicidal behavior and substance abuse. Moreover, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) could be the most painful since people with such disorder are constantly trying to cope with volatile and overwhelming emotions.
Dr. Paveine Pauline deliberated on Mental health problem that are prevalent among college students and put forward preventive measures to stay mentally healthy through “Mindfulness Practices”
Dr. Roshan Shagolsem, Academic Dean, Mount Everest College in his closing remark states that it is of vital significance to note that Mental Health is a basic human right and it is crucial to personal, Community and socio-economic development.

Seminar on COVID-19

17th February, 2020
            With a view to educate the students, faculty and staffs about the pandemic and its impact on various aspects of society, Mount Everest College organized a seminar on “Covid-19” at the college Auditorium on 17th February, 2020. Dr. James Pao, Senior Medical officer, PHC, Bendramai Village, Senapati graced the event as the Resource person.
            Mr. Gonmei Meithuanlungpou, Vice-Principal of the College, in his keynote address spoke on the profound impact of Covid-19, the uncertainties and challenges of the Pandemic and the need to take collective action to mitigate its impact on our communities.
            Dr. James Pao, Resource person of the event shared evidence based information on Covid-19, including the symptoms, transmission dynamics, prevention measures, treatment options, vaccination efforts and the latest developments in the Pandemic. He highlighted the impact of the Covid-19 on individuals, communities, healthcare, society and emphasize on the importance of solidarity, resilience and collective action in addressing the challenges posed by the Pandemic.
            The speaker ends his speech with a call to action, encouraging the audience to stay informed, follow public health guidelines and contribute to the collective efforts to control the spread of Covid-19 and build a more resilient future.
            A total of _______ participants attended the seminar.


19th October, 2021
            To understand the accreditation process, prepare for accreditation, improve institutional quality and facilitate institutional development in line with NAAC standards and requirements, Mount Everest College Conducted its 1st NAAC Orientation workshop for teachers and staffs of the College on 19th October, 2021 at the College Auditorium. Mr. Gonmei Meithuanlungpou, Acting Principal, Mount Everest College and Mr. Niomchung Jatak, NAAC Coordinator, Mount Everest College were the Resource persons of the workshop.
            A total of 18 (eighteen) faculty from various departments of the College attended the workshop.
            Mr. Gonmei Meithuanlungpou, Acting-Principal of the College deliberated on the need for NAAC Accreditation of the College as it ensures quality assurance, benchmarking, credibility, recognition, performance improvement, accountability, transparency and continuous monitoring and evaluation in higher education institutions. He asserts how accreditation grade serves as a reflection of the institution’s commitment to quality and excellence in education. He Urged all the faculty members and staffs of the College to collectively work together for the NAAC Mission as it is the combined efforts that yields the best results.
            Mr. Niomchung Jatak, IQAC Coordinator of the college outlined the step-by-step NAAC accreditation of the College criteria’s. Obtaining NAAC accreditation involves several steps such as the Self Study Report (SSR) Preparation, submission of SSR, Peer Team Visit, Accreditation Assessment and Accreditation Outcome. He extensively provided information on the guidelines and criteria’s of NAAC Accreditation. As this entire NAAC Assessment is a rigorous tasks, he urged all members present in the meeting to put their best foot forward for the completion of the task. He insists that every department should work on maintaining proper records of the Department, so also with the Committees and Club Members.

2nd NAAC Orientation Workshop

20th October, 2021
With the pursuance of NAAC Accreditation, Mount Everest College conducted its 2nd NAAC Accreditation Workshop for the teachers and staffs of the College on 20th October, 2021 at the College Auditorium. The workshop has Dr. Manoj Chaudary, Prof. Chandigarh University and member of NAAC Peer Team as its Resource Speaker.
            Vice Principal of the College, Mr. Meithuanlungpou Gonmei introduced to the members present the esteemed guest speaker and also delivered a keynote address pertaining to NAAC Assessment and Accreditation. He ensures that educational Institutions maintain high standards of quality in teaching, learning, research and infrastructure. In contributions of his speech in the 1st NAAC Orientation workshop, he states that NAAC Mission will only be fruitful if we approach it with the right motivation and mindset.
            Dr, Manoj Chaudhary, Resource Speaker of the event discussed several key point for NAAC Assessment, some key takeaways from his lectures are:
Institutional Infrastructure: Evaluation of facilities, resources and infrastructure available for teaching research and administrative activities.
Teaching-Learning Process: Assessment of curriculum design, teaching methods, assessment strategies and student performance evaluation.
Research and Innovation: Analysis of research output, publications, patents, collaborations and innovation in the Institution.
Governance and Leadership: Examinations of leadership practices, decision making process, transparency and accountability in governance.
Student support and progression: Review of students support services, counselling, career guidance and measures for student’s progression and success.
Infrastructures and Learning Resources: Assessment of library resources. Laboratories, ICI facilities and other learning resources available to students.
Quality Assurance: Evaluation of internal quality assurance mechanism, feedback process and measures for continuous development.
Stakeholder Engagement: Review of engagement with industry, alumni, community and other stakeholders for mutual benefit and societal impact.
Best practices and Innovation: Recognition and dissemination of best practices, innovations and initiatives that contributes to institutional excellence.
Overall Institutional Performance: Comprehensive assessment of the Institutional overall performance in meeting its mission goals and objectives.
The meeting had a total of_____________ attendances.

Two-Days National Seminar on Bio-Diversity & Tribals of Northeast India

28th & 29th January, 2022
            The research Committee of Mount Everest College organized a “Two-Days National Seminar on Bio-Diversity & Tribals of Northeast India”  from 28th to 29th January, 2022 at the College Auditorium.
            The Seminar was graced by Prof. M.C. Arun, Department of Anthropology, Manipur University, with 12 (twelve) paper presenters from various institutions across the nation.
            Dr. Samson S Chiru, Principal, Mount Everest College in his keynote address, spoke about the need for the preservation of the biodiversity as it ensures the stability of ecosystems by providing resilience against environmental changes, so also it is the source of economics value, medicines and food security.
            Chief guest of the seminar, Prof. M.C. Arun deliberated in his speech, about Northeast India as a biodiversity hotspot, renowned for its rich ecological diversity. Its lush forests, diverse topography and unique climatic conditions harbor a myriad of flora and fauna, including endemic species found nowhere else on earth. He also said that the region’s biodiversity supports indigenous communities’ livelihoods and cultural heritage. However, rapid urbanization, deforestation, and climate change threaten this delicate ecosystem. Thus, he stressed on the conservation efforts to safeguard Northeast India’s biodiversity and to ensure sustainable development for future generations.
            List of Paper Presenters and Title:
1. Ms. Surbala Loushambam, R.K. Pandey, Research Scholar, Manipur University “Prevalence of Arbuscular Mycorrhzal and dark septet endophytic association”
2. Dr. Manganba Pharembam, Deputy Executive Director, N.B. College
“Ecological Impacts in Health of North East Tribals”
3. Dr. Vethselo Doulo & Nenjonglemba, Department of Zoology, Kohima Science College, Jotsoma “Beetles (Coleoptera) of Tuesang Town and its vicinity, Nagaland”
4. Dr. Holkhongam Haokip, HoD, Department of History, Mount Everest College.
 “Prospects of Adventure Tourism in the hills of Manipur with special reference to Bol-len”
5. Ms. Rajkumari Lumphasana Devi, Research scholar, Department of Biotech, Manipur University
“Estimation and comparison of the context of indigo in different parts of Strobilanthes cusia Nees (Kuntz) by using UV-vis spectroscopy”
6. Ms. Sanasam Thoibi Devi, Research Scholar, Department of Biotech, Manipur University
“Comparative analysis of Phytochemical context in five different species of Zingiber found in Manipur”
7. Ms. K L Vashti Khou, Asst. Professor, Department of Anthropology
“Traditional Potting Technique of Oinam Handmade Pottery and its Socio-economic Importance”
8. Ms. Eloni Pfoze, Asst. Professor, Department of Political Science, Mount Everest College
“Indigenous tribes, Practice and culture”
9. Mr. N Lamchenba, Research Scholar, Manipur University
“Tribal Politics in North East India with special reference to Manipur”
10. Ms. Waribam Asha Devi, Research Scholar, Manipur University, Ms. Waribam Charushila Devi, Asst. Professor, Department of History, Mount Everest College
“Waste Management Practice in Manipur”
11. Dr. Sword Shimray, Principal, Lungnila Elizabeth School of Social Work, Senapati.
“Luita Festival: An important event among the Kuirei village of Ukhrul District of Manipur”
12. Dr. Laishram Vijaya Devi, Asst. Professor, Department of Home Science, Mount Everest College.
“The Impact of Capitalist Exploitation on Tribal Land and People in Northeast India”

Career Workshop

8th April, 2022
            Guidance and Counselling Cell, Mount Everest College organized a One Day workshop on Career Counselling under the theme, “Know your Career Options” on 8th April, 2022 at the College Auditorium. The Workshop was organized with a vision to equipped students with knowledge on career opportunities based on their respective discipline.
            Speaking on the occasion, Shri. Thokchom Biswajit Singh, Asst. Prof., Mathematics Department put forward various options under Science stream and its outlets.
            Shri. B. Daikho, HoD. Department of Commerce, Mount Everest College deliberated on every available career options for a Commerce students starting from Chartered Accountant Company Secretary to Entrepreneurship.
            Dr. Holkongam Haokip, HoD., Department of History, Mount Everest College broaden the horizon of the students on Arts Stream and enlightened them on various career prospects after graduation.
            The event ends with vibrant interaction between the students and the resource Speakers.

One Day Workshop on Drug Abuse

11th may, 2022
With an aim to impart and educate the students of the college on Drug Abuse/Substance Abuse a one Day Workshop was organized in the College initiated by Guidance and Counselling Cell, MEC on 11th may, 2022 at the College Auditorium. The Resource Persons of the event, Mrs. Karaila, O.C. Senapati Women’s Police and Mr. H. Timothy Maram, MPS, SDPO, Mao Police Station advocates that the state is becoming vulnerable as its youths are exposed to substance and narcotics. There is a need for supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. There are three broad strategies to prevent the fatal chronic brain disease. Primary, Secondary and tertiary prevention since it is a relapsing diseases.
            Mr. KR. Alen Chiru, Secretary, Guidance and Counselling Cell in his remark stated that education in substance abuse has a significant impact on the society. It is of vital importance for every individual to be conscious and be acquainted with the knowledge. Moreover, every society is responsible to eradicate and defend from this dreadful disease.

One – Day State Level Workshop on National Education Policy 2020: Its Implementation, Issues and Challenges

12th November, 2022
            A One – Day State Level Workshop on “National Education Policy (NEP) 2020: Its Implementation, issues and Challenges” was conducted on 12th November, 2022 at the College Auditorium organized by IQAC and Research Committee, Mount Everest College.
            Prof. W. Chandbabu Singh, Registrar, Manipur University and Prof. I Gambhir Singh, HoD., Department of English and Cultural Studies, Manipur University engaged in the workshop as the resource persons.
            The Workshop was conducted to implement the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 in replacement of National Policy of Education (NPE) 1986.
            Prof. I Gambhir Singh, HoD., Department of English and Cultural Studies, Manipur University in his speech deliberated on why the National Policy on Education (NPE) of 1986 underwent revision and was replaced by the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. He stated that the reason for the revision is to primarily address the evolving needs and challenges of the education sector in India. Further, he added that the National Education Policy (NEP) of 1986 had been in place for over three decades and was deemed outdated, unable to adequately address the changing dynamics address the changing dynamics in education, advancements in technology, globalization, and the demands of the 21st century.
            Furthermore, Prof. W. Chandbabu Singh, Registrar, Manipur University in his speech addressed on the aim of the NEP 2020 which is to provide a comprehensive framework for transforming the education system to meet the demands of the modern era, focusing on inclusively, equality, quality, and relevance. He added that the Nep 2020 sought to align the education system with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promote a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to learning. He concluded his speech by encouraging the staffs and students to be responsive and flexible to the new education system.
            The workshop concluded with a vote of thanks from Dr. Holkhongam Haokip, Chairman, research Committee, Mount Everest College.

Two Days National Seminar On Unsung Heroes of North-East India in India’s Freedom Struggle

30th – 31st January, 2023
Research Committee in collaboration with IQAC, Mount Everest College organized a Two-Day National Seminar on “Unsung Heroes of North-East India in India’s Freedom Struggle” on 30th-31st January 2023 in the College auditorium.
Vice Principal of the College, Shri Meithuanlungpou Gonmei delivered the welcome address and highlighted the contributions of the Unsung Heroes to the Society and how their contributions often go unrecognized or underappreciated.
In the key note address, Prof. H. Sudhirkumar Singh, HoD. Department of History, Manipur University spoke on how the freedom struggle in Northeast India saw numerous Unsung Heroes whose sacrifices and contributions to the Nation’s freedom struggle remain largely overload. From the Naga and Manipur leaders who fought against British Colonial rule to the Assamese activists who protested against oppressive policies, thus individuals played pivotal roles in shaping the region’s quest for Independence. Among them were Rani Gaidinliu Haipou Jadonang, Phizo, Tirot Singh, Tikendrajit Singh and many others whose bravery and resilience inspired others to join the movement. He also stressed on how despite facing challenges and marginalization, these Unsung Heroes courageously fought for their rights and the freedom of their people, leaving a lasting legacy in Northeast India’s history of resistance.
List of paper presenters and titles:
1. Dr. Samson Chiru, Principal, Mount Everest College
“Independent Ethnic Tribal Policy in Manipur: Chiru Context”
2. Dr. Mina Devi, Guest Faculty. Dept. of Ancient History and Archeology Manipur University
“Chingakham Sanajaoba and Kuki Rebellion, 1917-1919”
3. Dr. Somorendro Singh, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Political Science, Tamenglong College, Manipur
“British Colonial Policies and their impact in Manipur”
4. Dr. L. Letkhomang Haokip, Asst. prof., Dept. of History, Rayburn College, Churachandpur, Manipur.
“Understanding Local Support to INA: The Role of Pu Semkhohao Haokip”
5. Dr. Ginneihching Simte, Asst. Prof., Dept. of History. Rayburn College, Churachandpur, Manipur.
“Historical Representations of women in the Nationalist Struggle”
6. Seikhomang guite, Research Scholar, Manipur University
7. Moirangthem Bobby Singh, Reseacrh Scholar, Dept. of History, Manipur University.
“Contribution of Local People to INA in struggle for Independence a Historical review”
8. Dr. Heisnam Budhichandra Singh, Asst. Prof., Thambal Marik College, Oinam.
“Bir Tikendrajit – A Hero of Manipur”
9. Dr. Holkhongam Haokip, Asst. Prof., Dept. of History, Mount Everest College, Senapati.
“Kuki Rebellion (1917- 1920) and the role of Pu Ngulkhup Haokip”
10. Dr. Augustine, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Sociology, Mount Everest College, Senapati.
“Social Conflict induced Migration: A Manipur Story”
11. N. Lanchenba Meitei, Research Scholar, Dept. of Political Science, Manipur University
“British Policies in Manipur after 1891”
12. Dr. V.S. Sholounii Pou, Asst. Prof., Dept of Political Science, Mount Everest College, Senapati
“Local Self- Government in Tribal India: Issues and prospects”
13. W. Charishilla Devi, Asst. Prof., Dept. of History, Mount Everest College
14. W. Ash Devi, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Commerce, Mount Everest College
“Role of British Political Agent’s (1835-1890) in the Social and economic changes in Manipur, special reference to Meitei Community”
            The Seminar was attended by the staffs and students of the College and ended successfully with a vote of thanks from Mr. Niomchung Jatak Chiru, IQAC Coordinator, Mount Everest College.

One Day Workshop on NAAC Assessment and Accreditation and Implementation of NEP 2020

27th May, 2023
            Stressing on NAAC Accreditation can lead to institutional growth, quality enhancing, international growth, quality enhancement, international recognition, and increased opportunities for funding and partnerships, ultimately benefitting the institution, its stakeholders, and the higher education sector as a whole. The National Education Policy 2020 is also important as it lays the foundation for a more inclusive, flexible and holistic education system that is aligned with the needs of the 21st century. Keeping these in mind, Mount Everest College organised a one day workshop on NAAC assessment and accreditation and implementation of NEP 2020 on 27th May, 2023 at the College Auditorium. Mr. Niomchung Jatak, IQAC Co-ordinator, Mount Everest College was the speaker of the event.
            Acting Principal of the College, Shri. Gonmei Meithuanlungpou briefly addressed the gathering. He highlighted the urgency to be accredited by NAAC and how this accreditation will further benefit the institution and the society at large.
            Key speaker of the event, Mr. Niomchung Jatak, IQAC Co-ordinator extensively deliberated on the works to be undertaken by various departments pertaining to NAAC assessment. He encouraged every department faculty and students to execute the necessary works allotted to them. Further, he also spoke on the Implementation of NEP 2020, its principles and guidelines. He highlighted the several reasons for the implementation of NEP, its benefits and objectives.
            A total of _________ participants attended the meeting.


A One Day National Seminar on the “Role of Higher Education for Teaching Learning Development in present scenario” was conducted in our College on 12th October, 2019 at the College Auditorium. All the staffs and students of the college attended the Seminar. The seminar …….

Report on a two-day workshop on teaching-learning during covid pandemic.

A two day workshop on teaching and learning during the Covid pandemic was held on 26th to 27th march 2021 at Mount Everest College, Senapati District. The event was conducted at the college auditorium. The workshop aimed to provide educators with strategies tools, and best practices for effectively countering the challenges of remote and hybrid learning environment brought about the pandemic.
The event has the following speakers as its resource persons:
Gonmei Methuanlungpou, Vice Principal, Mount Everest College
Dr. Roshan Sagolshem, Academic Dean, Mount Everest College
Mr. Niomchung Jatak Chiru, Assistant Professor, Dept Of Physics, Mount Everest College
Day 1 highlights:
The workshop commends with an opening session where the participants were welcomed and introduced to the objectives and agenda of the two-day event
The facilitators emphasise the importance of adapting teaching methodologies to the new normal and creating engaging and effective learning experiences for students.
Session 1 “Adapting to Remote Teaching” was delivered by Gonmei Methuanlungpou, Vice Principal, Mount Everest College. He spoke on the transition from traditional classroom teaching to virtual and remote platforms. Educators were guided on how to leverage digital tools, maintain student’s engagements and foster effective communications in online learning environment.
Session 2 “Technology Integration for Remote Learning” was delivered by Mr. Niomchung Jatak Chiru, Assistant Professor, Dept of Physics, Mount Everest College. He discussed various technology tools and platforms that can enhance remote teaching and learning experiences. Participants learned about online collaboration tools, virtual classrooms and assessment platforms to facilitate interactive and engaging lessons.
Session 3 “Students Well Being and Support’ was addressed by Dr. Roshan Sagolshem, Academic Dean, Mount Everest College. He asserted the importance of supporting student’s well-being and mental health during the pandemic. Educators were provided with strategies and resources for creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
Day 2 highlights
There were two session conducted in the second day of the workshop.
Session 1 Dr. Roshan Sagolshem, Academic Dean, Mount Everest college. Deliberated on various ways to enhance student’s engagement. Participants delved into innovative approaches to promoting student’s engagement in virtual classes, such as interactive activities, group projects, and discussions. Strategies for maintaining motivation and participation in online learning were discussed.
The last session was spoken by Mr. Niomchung Jatak Chiru, Assistant Professor, Dept of Physics on professional development for educators. The final session highlighted the importance of ongoing professional development for educators. Participants were introduced to online resources, workshops and online courses to enhance their teaching skills, technology proficiency and overall effectiveness in remote teaching.
The two- day workshop served as a valuable platform for educators to exchange ideas, learning strategies, and collaborate on best practices for remote and hybrid learning environment. The program concluded with participants equipped with the knowledge and tools to navigate the challenges of teaching during the pandemic and create engaging and effective learning experiences for their students.


Short Description