Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
Teachers Orientation Programme on Internal Assessment for the Four- year Under Graduate programme cum Departmental Meeting was held on 17th January, 2023 in Mount Everest College auditorium. It was organized by IQAC, Mount Everest College.
The programme was held to enlighten the teachers and staff of MEC on Internal Assessment under NEP 2020 and clarify any doubts from each department regarding this.
The programme was moderated by Dr. Roshan Shagolshem, Academic Dean, MEC. Mr. Gonmei Meithuanlungpou, Acting Principal, MEC deliberated to the staff and teachers present on the mechanisms of Internal Assessment under NEP 2020 for each streams as given under the revised edition of Examination regulation issued by the Manipur University in this regard.
It was followed by discussion and queries from the teachers of each department to clarify any doubts.
It also resolved that-
While setting the Question or Evaluating the internal Assessment- Full Mark for Assignment will be 25 for 6 Credits subjects And 15 for 4 credits subjects.
But, the pattern of Mark Distribution for Internal Assessment for this time shall be
For 6 Credits – 25 (Assignment) + 5 ( 2nd Combined Test )+ 5 (Attendance) = 35
Or For 4 Credits subjects will be
15 (Assignment)+ 5 (2nd Combined Test)+ 5 (Attendance)= 25