Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
A one day Vidya Bharati Uchcha Shisha Sansthan Zonal Workers’ Training Camp, North East Zone was held on 24th July 2022 at National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayatiraj (NIRDPR), Jawahar Nagar, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam. It was hosted by Dr. Kiran Hajarika, Member of UGC and principal of Tengakhat College. The said program was attended by the Zonal Workers’ of North East Zone from the different state of North East India. The delegates from Manipur state, includes imminent professors and academician namely, Prof. N. Rajmohan Singh, V.C of Dhanamanjuri University; Prof. Irom Gambhir Singh; Dr. Ibohal Meitei; Dr. L. Bhishwanath Sharma; O. Chaoba Devi, Principal Thoubal college; Solomon and Moses from South East Manipur College; Niomchung Jatak Chiru and Donkaolung Malangmei from Mount Everest College.
In the introductory session, Dr. Kiran Hajarika gave a welcome note to all the delegates, while Dr. Kailash Sharma expressed in his speech the need for emphasizing on Indian knowledge and to revive the traditional knowledge and practices of India, and Prof. N. Rajmuhon Singh highlighted the aims and visions of NEP 2020. In order to make India a global knowledge power house, he mentioned that we need proper implementation of NEP 2020 and moreover incorporation of ITCT in all strata of learning, which is not only the need of the hour, but also will catalyze in enhancing the learning of students. He also commented on the various loopholes of academic related activities and the necessity to overcome the problems, be it in teacher recruitment or the inadequate infrastructure including library etc.
The program consisted of three sessions; the Session-I speaker was Dr. Koilash Sharma. In the Session-II, the speaker Dr. T. N Ragunanda expressed that the higher education institutions worker or knowledge worker community need to improve their performance and all the institutions need to generate and develop nationalistic spirit and instill nationalistic ethos to the young learners across the country. He also mentioned some of the objectives of VBUSS: is to create more knowledge worker, to establish institution base on national spirit and to become leader in global knowledge forum. With regards to language aspect, he expressed that we need to embrace and celebrate the diversity of languages and further emphasis that diversity of language should be the factor for the integration of India. In the Session-3, Dr. Bishwanath Sharma spoke on the Significant of Indian Philosophy and Culture with reference to NEP 2020. Prof. Irom Gambhir Singh had delivered on the topic, Development of Indian Language. He also highlighted the important roles of local language in disseminating knowledge to the students. Classroom is the best laboratory for the teacher, where the student can evaluate the performance of the teacher. Teachers need to perform their duty sincerely and should not only ensure their salary but rather work with ethics. Dr. Ibohal Meitei had delivered his speech on Skills Development. Presently India is aiming to become a global education hub and to train and equip students with vocational training. As of now, only 10% of Indian graduate are employable. We need skills oriented individual to be well fitted in the industrial economy. The knowledge ones acquired may not be suited to be employed in any industry. So the skill oriented enhancement courses in the NEP 2020 will empower the learners and make them well equip with skill at every exist point. He further mentioned the need to incorporate the locally available material and knowledge in the mainstream syllabus for generating employable option after their completion of study. Skill oriented course will greatly help in solving the unemployment problem in India, and will create an economically vibrant society, knowledge superpower and ability for entrepreneurship. He ends with an allegory of Lion and Deer, two different animals in jungle, where, lion needs to run faster than the slowest deer while, deer needs to run faster than the fastest lion in order to survive and sustain their life. The world is changing fast with great pace and when the sun rises we too need to be ready. The program ended with a valedictory session, in which the managing committee of VDUSS for each state was declared.