Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
Executing the directive of University Grants Commission, dated 1st July, 2022, the Mount Everest College, Senapati Manipur, had arranged and participated in the inaugural event of 3 Day Education Summit, Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Samagam, which was telecast live from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh on 7th July, 2022 from 2:30 pm onwards through YouTube Channel. We are pleased to report that hundreds of students, teachers and staff of the Institution have participated in the above mentioned event . The Institution is indebted to the organiser for enabling our College fraternity to be enlightened through the inaugural Address of our Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi Ji and various speeches of Educational experts on the diverse perspective of the NEP 2020 and its role in transforming higher education.