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The quiz club of Mount Everest College, Senapati was established in 2018. Quiz club has been formed with the objective to train the students to actively participate in various inter-college and state level competitions. The main purpose of the club is to update the knowledge of the students in various fields like academics, general knowledge, analytic abilities quantitative reasoning, etc. Quiz programs are conducted in each academic year at regular intervals for the betterment of students. Awards and certificate are distributed to the winners during college Annual day.

Main objectives of the Quiz club

  1. The club aims at promoting interest among the students in order to enhance their general knowledge.
  2. To enable the youngsters to fight and win in the field of quizzing.
  3. To provide information about the present scenario and quizzing.
  4. To encourage the student to participate in regional state and national quiz competitions conducted by various higher learning institutions.
  5. It promotes a healthy debate amongst participants in order to learn from each other.

Student enrollment list the Quiz club of MEC

1st July 2021 – 30 June 2022

Sl. NoName of the studentsDeptSemesterContact no.
1.Rustam GurungBA1st 
2.P. Kaovei-o KyapaomaBA1st 
3.C. Martha OnrwangBA1st 
4.P. N. DainiBA1st 
5.Vahnunnem KipgenB. Sc1st 
6.Deepesh GurungB. Sc1st 
7.L. AthikhoB. Sc1st 
8.Nengboichong KipgenB. Sc1st 
9.P H LongkhaniB. Sc1st 
10.Naruliangpou GonmeiB. Com1st 
11.Peidoying BrimoB. Com1st 
12.Veipulou Zwsha AchB. Com3rd 
13.Gaibanghimy KCBA3rd 
14.J. prumi KhoBA3rd 
15.Puiseila PameiBA3rd 
16.Kh. NingshimunBA3rd 
17.Letgunlem KigpenB. Sc3rd 
18.J. PolouB. Sc3rd 
19.T. SakeneB. Sc3rd 
20.Duanthuilung PameiB. Com3rd 
21.V. Veipulou AnthonyB. Com3rd 
22.T. Betly HumBA5th 
23.Hasli ThapeBA5th 
24K N JeremiahB. Sc5th 

Report on Quiz Club, MEC

1st July 2021 – 30 June 2022

We the Quiz Club of Mount Everest College, Senapati was given a special coaching to all the Quiz Club members in MEC, on 1st July 2021-30 June, 2023. Around 20 students are actively participated in the coaching. The teacher’s in charge of quiz club MEC to encourage the students to participate in required state and national quiz competitions, conducted by various higher learning institution.
Quiz programs are conducted at regular interval during each academic year for the betterment of students. Awards and certificate are distributed in the winners during the college Achiever Day.
Teacher in charge of MEC
Quiz Club

A Brief Report on Quiz Club, MEC, 2021-2022
Activities in the college
A Report on Annual Literary Meet, Quiz competition
Held on 22-25 Oct 2022
Venue: Auditorium Hall, MEC
Time: 10:00 AM to 2 PM

            The goal of the event Quiz competition is always to make the competition interesting and informative, which keep the student interested. The primary goal of this event is to educate them on current general knowledge in Science and Technology, current affairs, sports, business, and entertainment. The program commenced at 10 am and concluded at 2 PM.
Faculty members and students from MEC, are attended the event with all their hearts. The students were selected from each semesters i.e. 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6 by the Quiz club teacher’s in charge. Therefore, the names of the students are given below:

1st Semester

  1. Rastum Gurung  –       BA
  2. L. Athikho                    B. Sc
  3. Neipulou                      B. com
  4. P N Daini                     BA

            3rd Semester

  1. Gaibamlung KC           BA
    1. Priseilla Pamei            BA
    1. Letgunlen Kipgen        B. Sc
    1. V. Veipulou Anthony   B. Com

5th Semester

  1. 1. T Betty Hum          BA
  2. Hash Thapa               BA
  3. K. N Jeremiah           B. Sc
  4. Lily Kom                    B. com

The Quiz competition winners are:-

First Place: 5th Semester students from B.A, B. Sc and B. Com

Second Place: 1st Semester students from B.A, B. Sc and B. Com

And Third Place: 2nd Semester students from B.A, B. Sc and B. Com

The principal of MEC motivate the students by providing them with certificate and awards of prize. Every year the Quiz competition was conducted in the institution.

Organized by internal quality assurance cell (IQAC) in collaboration with Quiz club, Mount Everest College, Senapati, Manipur.

Teacher in charge of MEC
Quiz Club

Student enrollment list of the Quiz club of MEC

1st July 2022 – 30 June 2023

Sl. NoName of the studentsDeptSemesterContact no.
1.Rasziine JasmineB. Sc  
2.P. KaikhoB. Com  
3.Anju BoralB. Sc  
4.T. Dingu Hoda KhoB. Sc  
5.Neisa RobneinaB. Sc  
6.ThaichuiliuB. A  
7.RustamB. A  
8.L. GracyB. A  
9.Seitinlal DoungelB. A  
10R. K DinroubouB. Com  
11K R ronghangB. Com  
12Nicky KimariB. Com  
13Rimpi DebB. Com  
14R Dinwangbou RichardB. A  
15Gethsemane LishaneB. A  
16Setal PouB. A  
17SharonB. Sc  
18Jenthuibou ZingnamaiB. Sc  
19Luke KamodongB. A  
20M MaryB. Com  
21R. Veikhou PouB. Com  
22Thekho AngamB. Com  
23Ngamkambou ChawangB. Com  
24Napii Brutney RoromeiB. A  

Congratulation Note                                                                          14/10/22

The third Red Ribbon Club, District Level Quiz competition for college students, (Senapati and Kangpokpi District)
We, the teacher in charge of MEC Quiz Club are expressed our profound and heartfelt congratulations to Mr. P. kaikho, B. Com 5th semester Roll No. 4 and Ms. Roziine Jasmine B. Sc 3rd semester of Quiz Club members, Mount Everest college brought Laurel in winning the 3rd position in the competition (The third Red Ribbon Club, District Level Quiz competition for college students, (Senapati and Kangpokpi District)) held on 13th Oct 2022 at CMO, conference Hall, Senapati.
We would like to expressed our sincere thank to Mr P. kaikho and Ms. Rotine Jasmine four their outstanding achievement. The institute is very happy on their success and wishes them a bright future.

Teacher in charge of MEC
Quiz Club

The Quiz Club, MEC

Report on 1st July 2022 – 30 June 2023

          The Quiz Club of Mount Everest College, Senapati continue giving a special coaching to all the quiz club members of MEC during the period July 2022 to June 2023. In the coaching class, around 25 students were participated. At the time teachers incharge of the club were providing study material to the students.
            Previous year, 2022 with the grace of God the club members MEC Quiz Club namely Mr. P. kaikho, B. Com 5th semester Roll No. 4 and Ms. Roziine Jasmine B. Sc 3rd semester won the 3rd position in the competition (The third Red Ribbon Club, District Level Quiz competition for college students, (Senapati and Kangpokpi District)) held on 13th Oct 2022 at CMO, conference Hall, Senapati.
We, wish them a bright future.

Teacher in charge of MEC
Quiz Club

Brief Report on quiz competition, 2022-2023                                    Date: 23/10/23

A Report on Annual Literary Meet, Quiz competition held on 22-25 Oct 2022

Venue: Auditorium Hall, MEC

Time: 10:00 AM to 2 PM

Organized by: IQAC and Quiz Club, MEC

            In this Quiz competition three different teams namely 1st , 3rd and 5th semester with combination of Arts, Science and Commerce stream were formed, each semester with four participants. Rules and regulation were explain at the beginning of the competition. The competition had three round; objective question round, buzzer round and rapid fire round.
            The students showcase their ability by rapidly answering the question. Though some of the questions were very tricky, the teams tried to answer them with confidence. Although all the teams participated actively the teams that score the highest was 5th semester, 2nd highest 1st semester and the third highest was 2nd semester.
            It was a very informative and knowledge enriching competition for the participant also for the audience.
            The competition concluded with the vote of thanks given by Sir Allen Chiru, Asst. Prof MEC

Teacher in charge of MEC
Quiz Club

Students Achievement

            Congratulation to Miss Roziine Jasmine B. Sc 5th semester, Miss Napii Britney Raomai B.A 1st semester and Mr. Tahgang Gahpa B.A 1st semester of Mount Everest College, Senapati, 795106, Manipur for securing third position in the District level inter college Quiz competition 2023 organized by  Department of Political science and Department of History Asufii Christian Institute, Mao, sponsored by the office of the Department of university Higher Education (DUHE) Govt. of Manipur for COSMI-DUHE, 2023.
Warmest congratulation on their achievement and wishing them even more success in their future.