Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
Policy Document on Environment and Energy Usage
The Environment and Energy usage Policy of Mount Everest College, Senapati is to manage energy in a systematic way so as to minimize its impact on the environment. The policy implies to explore the renewable energy resources to reduce the burden of the government and to find out substitute natural resources as solutions to the energy crisis.
This environment and energy policy is binding for all the components of the institution and applies to all its stakeholders and to the various activities undertaken by the institution. It will help us to embed efficiency and environmental awareness into our everyday activities, thus helping us to realize our responsibilities and commitment to conservation of natural resources and to limit its usage. The Eco Club, NSS and Botany Department is an official platform devoted to environmental awareness, green initiatives, and green literacy programmes to save energy and to protect the environment.
• To assess our energy usage and measure its impact on the environment.
• To count CO2 emissions generated by our means of transportations- vehicles.
• To reduce local air pollution emissions using environment-friendly vehicles, including bicycles, public transportation and use of pedestrian-friendly roads.
• To install photovoltaic solar panels for the generation of alternate energy.
• To install LED bulbs in the campus to save energy.
• To develop systematic waste management mechanism.
• To develop rain water harvesting unit.
• To undertake tree plantation drive.
• To initiate additional measures to continuously improve our energy consumption.
• To develop and maintain an environmental management system which is ISO: 14001 and an Energy Management System based on ISO: 50001.
• To ensure the availability of necessary resources to achieve our objectives.
• To encourage use of advanced technology to minimize energy consumption, atmospheric emissions and noise, particularly from our vehicle fleets.
• To engage in dialogue with the government agencies, municipal corporation and the affiliating university and actively work with the local organizations in the areas of environment, energy efficiency and sustainable development.
• To monitor and respond to emerging environmental and energy issues.
• To strengthen our employees’ and students’ environmental knowledge and skills in order to improve our own environmental performance.
• To provide information and training opportunities on energy saving measures.
• To offer opportunities for employees and students to engage in initiatives that contribute to environmental protection.
• To train our employees and students through our Eco Club, NSS, Botany Department, etc. to make them ‘Go Green Specialists’ and partners to plant trees each year.
This policy will be communicated to the students and employees via internal communication channels, and will be made available to all the stakeholders on the institutional website. The Environment and Energy Policy, objectives and targets will be reviewed on regular basis by the Competent authority and its members under the guidance of the principal of the college.