Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
2005: Inception of the Department as General. 2014: Upgraded to Honours 2022: One student qualified for CSIR-UGC NET. 2005- Till date: Students Progression to higher education every year.
The Department of Physics (General) was established in the year 2005 and upgraded to Honours in the year 2014. It has a spacious and a well-equipped laboratory with an excellent infrastructure. It has a set of experienced faculty how have in-depth knowledge of subject matter.
Department's vision:To establish a platform for the dissemination and creation of knowledge through teaching and research in Physics at various levels. To help create a scientific society which encourages logical thinking.
Department's Mission:
Asst. Professor (M.Sc. Ph.D)
Asst. Professor (M.Sc.)
Asst. Professor (M.Sc. NETPh.D)
NIOMCHUNG JATAK CHIRU !. Workshop of 1 hour duration on different aspects of the NEP-2020 organized by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal from Jun 2022 between 3 – 4 pm through online. 2. One day National SEMINAR on Biodiversity and Tribal Areas of North East India organized by IQAC Mount Everest College on 28th January, 2022. 3. One Day State Level Workshop on NEP2020: Its implementation, Issues and Challenge organized by IQAC Mount Everest College, on 12th November, 2022. 4. Two- Day National Seminar on “Unsung Heroes in North East India’s in Indian’s Freedom Struggle” organized by IQAC Mount Everest College in collaboration with Research Committee MEC on 30&31st January, 2023. 5. A One day National Workshop on NAAC Assessment and Accreditation was organized by Directorate of University and Higher Education, Government of Manipur at Kamakhya Pemton College on 18th April, 2023. 6. A 3 Days Hands-on Training on “MOODLE LMS” organized by Directorate of University and Higher Education, Govt. of Manipur held from 31st July to 2nd August, 2023 at Conference Hall, Directorate of University of Higher Education. 7. 7-Day Faculty Development Programme on MOODLE LMS organised by IQAC Mount Everest College held from 24th August 30th August, 2023 at Smart Classroom-10, Mount Everest College. 8. NEP ORIENTATION AND SENSITIZATION PROGRAMME organised by UGC malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre Manipur University (MMTTC MU) From December 4-15 2023.
DR. THIYAM LAKHIBAI DEVI 1. Workshop of 1 hour duration on different aspects of the NEP-2020 organized by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal from Jun 2022 between 3 – 4 pm through online. 2. One day National SEMINAR on Biodiversity and Tribal Areas of North East India organized by IQAC Mount Everest College on 28th January, 2022. 3. One Day State Level Workshop on NEP2020: Its implementation, Issues and Challenge organized by IQAC Mount Everest College, on 12th November, 2022. 4. Two- Day National Seminar on “Unsung Heroes in North East India’s in Indian’s Freedom Struggle” organized by IQAC Mount Everest College in collaboration with Research Committee MEC on 30&31st January, 2023.
HEIPPOIVILE LILY 1. One Day State Level Workshop on NEP2020: Its implementation, Issues and Challenge organized by IQAC Mount Everest College, on 12th November, 2022. 2. Two- Day National Seminar on “Unsung Heroes in North East India’s in Indian’s Freedom Struggle” organized by IQAC Mount Everest College in collaboration with Research Committee MEC on 30&31st January, 2023.
DR. DANIEL CLIFF GONMEI 1. One Day State Level Workshop on NEP2020: Its implementation, Issues and Challenge organized by IQAC Mount Everest College, on 12th November, 2022. 2. Two- Day National Seminar on “Unsung Heroes in North East India’s in Indian’s Freedom Struggle” organized by IQAC Mount Everest College in collaboration with Research Committee MEC on 30&31st January, 2023.
I.Core Course: This is a course which is to be compulsorily studied by a student as a core requirement to complete the requirement of a programme in a said discipline/subject of study. Each of the core courses shall contain two components: Theory and Practical/Tutorial. Theory Paper having Practical shall carry 4 Credits so that the practical carries 2 Credits. Theory Paper having Tutorial shall carry 5 Credits so that Tutorial carries 1 Credit.
II. Elective Course: Generally, an elective course is a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses which may be very specific or specialized or advanced or scope or which enables an exposure to some other discipline/subject/domain or nurtures the candidate's proficiency/skill.
An elective course may be three types:
(a) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course: Elective courses offered by the main discipline/subject of study are referred to as Discipline Specific domain. Each course is to advance knowledge and skill in the core domain. Each of the DSE course shall contain two components: Theory and Practical/Tutorial. Theory paper carries 4 credits, Practical carries 2 credits and Tutorial carries 1 credit.
(b) Dissertation/Project/Internship: An elective course designed to acquire special/advanced knowledge is termed as dissertation/Project. This is considered as a special course involving application of knowledge in Dissertation/Project Work/Internship is optional and it may be offered in lieu of a discipline specific elective paper in 8th Semester.
(c) Generic Elective Course (GEC): An elective course chosen generally from an unrelated discipline/subject, with an intention to seek a wide exposure is called a Generic Elective. A core course offered in a discipline/subject may be treated as an elective by other discipline/subject and vice versa and such electives may also be referred to as Generic Elective. Each of the GEC Courses shall contain two components: Theory and Practical/Tutorial. Theory Paper carry 4 credits, Practical carries 2 credits and Tutorial carries 1 credits.
III. Ability Enhancement Course: The Ability Enhancement Course may be of two kinds: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) and Skill Enhancement Course (SEC).
AECC course are the courses based upon the content that leads to knowledge enhancement: (i) Environmental Science and (ii) English/MIL Communication. These are mandatory for all disciplines.
SEC courses are value-based and/or skill-based and are aimed at providing hands-on-training, competencies, skills, etc. These may be chosen for a pool of courses designed to provide value-based and/or skill-based knowledge. Each of the AECC and SEC courses shall carry 4 Credits.
The syllabi and Course Structure of Elective Course (DSE, GEC), AECC and VAC is given in their respective Admission Form, respective Department and also available in the College Website as per the Manipur University NEP-2020 Ordinance for UG Programme as Approved by the Academic Council dated 14th June, 2022.
IV. Value Addition Courses (VAC): These are courses that will help develop all capacities of human beings intellectual, aesthetic, social, physical, emotional, and moral in an integrated manner. It includes subjects like Yoga, Sports, Health Care, NCC, NSS, Ethics, Culture etc. VAC Courses may be chosen from a pool of courses. Each VAC Course shall carry 2 Credits.
The syllabi and Course Structure of VAC is available in the respective Department.
COURSE STRUCTURE OF UNDERGRADUATE (UG) Course structure for 4-year undergraduate programmes
1. CONTINUOUS INTERNAL EVALUATION (CIE) The students are continuously assessed and evaluated during the course of their studies by conducting class test and unit test. Besides the class test, at least two combined unit tests are conducted in every semester before the end semester examination. Other areas of internal evaluation which are looked into are- 1. Students regularity/Attendance, 2. Discipline and 3. Participation and contribution in various Activities and programmes conducted by the concern department and the College. Above all, follow up of all form of activities in action plan is documented and maintained by the concern department. 2. CAPACITY BUILDING AND SKILL ENHANCEMENT With the students’ participant, capacity building activities like focus group meeting or group discussion and class room observation are performed to understand where we are what to achieve. To encourage policy dialogue, cooperation, networking and exchanges of practices among the students’ activity like seminar were conducted. Students enrolled in respective semester in the department are distributed among the faculty for mentorship. Capacity building as the process of developing and strengthening, confidence, skills knowledge and resources for both students and teachers help to grow and strive in a fast changing world. Skill enhancement class were conducted time to time to provide hands-on-training, competencies, skills etc. 3. ACTIVITIES/PROJECTS & OTHERS For effective learning, department adopted various activities to energize students inside the class room. Students were motivated to involve in such activities to understand their learning level. Open-ended questions are posed after every lecture base on the day’s topic and ask students to come up with their best answer. Real-time reactions from the students are encouraged which help them to spot trends and consider new points of view. The evaluative technique like chain notes, brain writing, etc. are adopted to test the learner’s knowledge and stage of understanding. Sometime depending upon the topic students were asked to prepare concept mapping for their better comprehends on the issues they learned. Besides, the students were enrolled in various cell and clubs and participated in outreach activities conduct by the NSS and various cell and clubs. There is no internships system in the college as a whole. As a projects, department organized field trip or study tour for the students taking them in a particular places or village for survey. Base on the data collected during the trip, students were asks to prepared survey report book to be submitted to the department. The report is made mandatory for every student. This provides changes for students to interact with the local or villagers from different work of life which give them hands on knowledge in real life learning. 4. BEST PRACTICE & FOLLOWED UP- Compulsory Assembly, Chapel Services and Ethic Classes to impart value-based education and spiritual growth. - Target setting for syllabus completion - Strict attendance - Compulsory College Uniform and Discipline- Monitored by the Dean of Students. - Continuous Internal Assessment and evaluation - Personal Counselling and Assessment of the Students. - Free Daily Coaching for 5/6 Semester students. Areas: General Science Social Science, Language, Leadership Training etc. - Skill Enhancement Training-Catered by Skill Enhancement Committee - Departmental and Inter-Departmental Activities. - Educational Tour , Exposure and Field Trip - Unmanned Shop (Build on Trust and Honesty) - Active participation in any Seminar, workshops and competition.
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