Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
MESC Christian Fellowship
The Mount Everest School and College Christian Fellowship is a Christ-centred community of students and tribes promoting love, enriching hope, uniting faith and service through the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
The Purpose of the MESCCF is uniting faith with work, discipline by admonition, and education with care for the common goal of upholding the authority of the Scripture, communicating the gospel of Christ, strengthening and nurturing the students through Christian education values.
ii. Sunday Morning Devotion: MESCCF organises Sunday morning worship service for students and campus dwellers including the parents, guardians and teachers for corporate Christian worship to enhance spiritual development and maturity: love for God and for the neighbours.
iii. MESC Students Fellowship: There is Students Fellowship every Sunday for students who are pursuing class eleven and above. It is to help student take leadership, learn discipline and inculcate noble moral values.
iv. Sunday School: There is Sunday School for high school students for hostellers and campus dwellers. To mould and build a child is to nurture and build a great society. Thus, Sunday school provides a healthy space for children to learn values worthy of praise and inculcate strong spiritual and social discipline.
v. Annual Retreat: Every year MESCCF organises two-days annual retreat/camp for the students to help them develop spiritual consciousness, moral values and social responsibility. It is to help them develop holistically in all aspect of their lives.
vi. One Day Retreat with Freshers: It is a one day event at the beginning of the academic session. MESCCF organises One Day Retreat for the Freshmen of Classes XI and BA/B.Com/BSc students. It is to challenge and help them discover who they are and what they are meant to be by addressing their current state of mindset. Setting the right direction and course of their academic and personal life’s journey is deemed critical. Therefore, “Igniting critical thinking, invoking growth mindset and helping discover who they are,” are the objectives of the this event.
vii. Other Activities: Other various activities such as: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, World Sunday School Day, Hostel Award and Annual Singing Competition Day, Outreach Program, Advent Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Charity Day, Water Baptism, Lord’s Supper, and other activities which enhances holistic growth of a person.
i. Chairman – Rev. Dr. Thanchung Shekho Chiru, Senior Chaplain
ii. Vice Chairman – Sp Simeon, Chaplain
iii. Secretary – Jenkins Kongkongho, Student’s Facilitator
iv. Vice Secretary – Mangpu Kom, Co-ordinator
v. Ex-Officio Members – Heads of Institutions, Hostel Proprietors and Wardens
vii. Dr. V. Alexander Pao, President, MESC
viii. Ma’am Khuveiou Vemai, Secretary, MESC