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Institutional Developement Plan



General profile

1. Name and Address of the college : Mount Everest College

Taphou, Senapati District Headquarters

Mail id:


2. Year of Establishment : 1999

3. Institutional Status : Government Aided

4. Award, Recognition, Accreditation : Applied for NAAC Accreditation

5. Number of Programme offered : Under Graduate As per NEP2020

1. B.A. (English, History, Pol. Science & Sociology)

2. B.Sc. (Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics,

Physics & Zoology)

3. B.Com.

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)

Post Graduate –

1. MA (English, History, Pol. Science & Sociology)

6. No. of sanctioned post (teaching) : 85


Mount Everest College is one of the reputed and prestigious Colleges in Senapati District Headquarters; it is an Oasis of right education and the cradle of future leaders. The College was established on 17th December, 1999 with a vision to achieve Academic Excellence by imparting quality and secular education with strong emphasis on spiritual growth, sound mind, clean heart, healthy body and expansion of knowledge through “Value based Education.” It is a co-educational institution with boarding facility. The College is permanently affiliated to Manipur University and recognized by UGC under 2 (f) and 12 (B) of UGC Act, 1956, and received Grant-in-aid status in 2022.

In addition to the existing 3(three) years Under Graduate (UG) B.A/B.Sc./B.Com. Courses, NEP 2020 4(Four) years Undergraduate (UG) Courses was successfully implemented in 2022, Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) and Post Graduate (PG) Courses in M.A History, Political Science, English and Sociology was activated in 2022.

The College is situated on the outskirts of the busy commercial township of Senapati District Headquarters. The environment is enhanced by the National Highway-2 that runs parallel to the meandering Senapati River-both just below the College Campus. The College location is surrounded by lush green hills and peaceful environment. Spread over a campus of 20 acres, the college provides a congenial atmosphere for teaching and learning. The College also has a large track of land adequate enough to extend further to accommodate the ever-spiraling number of students for various traditional courses and time to time introduction of new diversified vocational courses.

The campus is clustered with a number of hostels. Students coming from different shades of life find the opportunity to live together, participate in extracurricular activities and grow together under the highly experienced and dedicated faculty members residing in the campus. Close personal touch between the teachers and students is maintained due to round the clock availability of faculty members.

Established with the objective, among other, to empower the youth through dissemination of knowledge and thereby uplift the diverse classes and communities, the college has been able to make an impact in the society. Thus, the college is contributing to social justice and national development.


The NEP Taskforce of the college has undertaken the mission of designing an Institutional Development Plan for a period of fifteen years commencing from the Academic Year 2022-2023 to Academic Year 2037-2038 for balanced growth of the college. The Quality Indicators of different criteria determined by National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC) have been taken into consideration as the base to create Quality Radars and to make out milestones for the future.


The NEP Task Force has considered the following main objectives for preparing the Institutional Development Plan:

  1. Vision and Mission Statement of the College

Our Vision:

Mount Everest College was established with a strong desire and a clear vision to creat a center of Academic excellence with focus on societal service for nation building by educating the poor rural Boys and Girls and prepare them to face the fast-changing world. It envisages on value-based education, all-round development of the students, gendering equality and women empowerment, skills development, upliftment of the society especially the surrounding villages and communities. Promoting Academic and co-curricular activities through innovation, diversity and flexibility as the vision of the college. The emblem of the college, “The Sunshine Overlooking the Hills and the Mountains” (The watchtower of the sunrays as the source of all life and knowledge) is quite significant about the vision of the college. Youth should be liberated from all kinds of ignorance and be empowered with knowledge, skills and dreams. Human resource or youths are the most important resource of the nation. This resource becomes more valuable when they are equipped with education, discipline and skills. This vision can be achieved only by disseminating Universal Knowledge through teaching-learning process. The motto of the college “Ever Forward” suits significantly with the emblem.

Our Mission:

1. Give high quality, affordable education and the best of everything in rural areas with the focus on All-round development of students.

2. Build strong moral foundation by giving value-based education and create quality human resources and leaders with discipline, skills, confidence, courage and integrity.

3. Eradicate ignorance, illiteracy and poverty from the society and uplift, support, and empower the weak and help bring changes in the surrounding villages and community.

4. Promote gender equality and women empowerment.

5. Propagate and promote peace, unity, respect, tolerance and love through inter-community living and cultural exchange.

II. Core value of NAAC – the observer of quality bench marking in higher education

The Core values of NAAC are:

• Contributing to National Development

• Fostering Global Competencies among Students

• Inculcating a Value System among Students

• Promoting the Use of Technology

• Quest for Excellence

III. Quality Policy of the college

Mount Everest College is committed to a culture of quality enhancement through a process of continuous quality improvement in all its endeavours, namely, teaching-learning, research, student support and extension services. For all round development of the students, the college is committed to provide platforms to focus on various areas of education, art and knowledge. These are,

1. To provide quality infrastructures, quality teaching-learning for quality outcome and to contribute in removing illiteracy in the region.

2 To provide the highest standard of personal development, including intellectual, physical and spiritual values.

3. To equip and direct every student to be fit and take part in national building by discovering and nurturing their talents.

4. To give top priority in inculcating civic sense and discipline so as to produce high quality, secular, educated persons of the highest degree of integrity and abolish corruption in the society.

5. To develop and promote skills of leadership so as to equip the students for their tomorrow’s role and responsibilities as pillars of the nation.

6. To inculcate in them the habit of information seeking and passing.

7. To inculcate the sense of duty so as to help them lead a purposeful life.

8. To help students appreciate cultural plurality while not mistaking the uniqueness of each one.

9. To educate the students in matter of human rights so as to let them understand their own rights as human being and appreciate and accommodate rights of other.

10. To help students realize the importance of ecological balance and care for the environment and accordingly use eco-friendly articles.

11. To prepare the students for the future.

The quality policy is also communicated and understood by all stakeholders within the college and is reviewed for continuing suitability. The policy is embedded in the process of self-evaluation and continuous improvement.

IV. Guidelines of National Education Policy-2020

As per NEP 2020, the purpose of the education system is to develop good human beings capable of rational thought and action, possessing compassion and empathy, courage and resilience, scientific temper and creative imagination, with sound ethical moorings and values.

The policy aims at producing engaged, productive, and contributing citizens for building an equitable, inclusive, and pluralistic society as envisaged by our Constitution.


The basic objective of the Institutional Development Plan is to make students a successful citizen by improving the quality and infrastructure of educational institutions. Based on the Institutional Development Plan, the college will develop initiatives, assess the progress and reach the goals set therein, which can then become the basis of government funding. Considering the background of the college as an institution imparting quality education in science, arts, and Commerce, the college has identified the broad aim of IDP as follows:

• To create a supportive academic environment for students ingrained with sincerity, discipline and commitment.

• To institute a sustained quality system embedded with a conscious, consistent and programmed action

• To mould humane citizens of the nation

• To make skilled manpower through effective use of emerging technological tools and to bridge the gap between social needs and higher education.

• To bring three ‘H’ together in an integrated manner, namely, Hand (to develop skills), Head (to gain advanced knowledge), Heart (to inculcate human values).


Step 1: Analysis of the present scenario in terms of ‘Access’, ‘Quality’ and ‘Future



Equity including Gender Parity

• The college fosters equal opportunity to all.

• Organising various programmes on gender equity

• Preparation of gender sensitization action plan

• Undertake Gender audit in the college campus.

Inclusion including Socio-economic Deprived Groups (SEDGs)

• Mount Everest College, Senapati is a government aided college, affiliated to Manipur University, adheres to the reservation policy of the Govt. of Manipur, with respect to the admission of students to various programme offered in the college.

• College sticks to the Fee waiver Policy of the Govt of Manipur.

• Financial assistance for the students from economically weaker section from the college fund.

• Provision of regular mentoring of the students.

• Face-to face Counselling of the students.

Measures for increasing access

including online and Open and

Distance Learning (ODL)


• Own Moodle (Leaning Management System) for online learning

• Use of online platform for teaching-learning process

• Online access of N-LIST for students/faculties

Increasing access through Indian


• Teaching-learning process is done through English as per guidelines of affiliating University but Manipuri and other local language is used by the teachers to disseminate the knowledge to the students.


Multidisciplinary and holistic


• Mount Everest College is offering BA, BSc, B.Com., B.Ed. and MA (English, History, Political Science and Sociology) programme under Manipur University.

• Offering Add on Courses in addition to regular

programmes offered by affiliating university.

• Conducting Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement class from time to time.

• Establishment of various student clubs to nurture the creativity of the students.

Flexibility of courses and

student mobility-multiple entry

and exit

• Both the UG and PG course are functioning as per new CBCS under Manipur University, however, the multiple entry and exit system is yet to be implemented by the affiliating university.

• Offering various value added and skill based Add on Courses as per the syllabus of Manipur University.

Indian Knowledge System

• Indian Knowledge System is yet to introduce by the affiliating University.

• Students can enrol themselves in various Add on Courses of Indian Knowledge System, for e.g, Value Education, Human rights etc.

Research, Innovation and


• The college has Research Committee for conduction of Workshop, Seminar and conference.

Science Laboratory and Language laboratory are available.

• Teachers are encouraged regularly to publish papers in reputed journals. There are recognized Research Guides in the college under various departments of Manipur University

Capacity building of faculty

• Providing drinking water facilities, toilets, teaching aids, libraries, laboratories, and an overall pleasant college campus.

• ICT equipped classroom

• College organizes periodic faculty development

programme as per the requirement.

• Encourages faculty members to participate in FDP,

Workshop, Seminar by sanctioning duty leave, sponsoring registration fee.

Future Readiness

Enhancing employability

Through internship/apprenticeship

• The College has Career Counselling and Placement Cell under which various career counselling programme and coaching for competitive examinations are organized.

Transforming education through

integration of technology

• College has developed its own Moodle Learning Management System for online mode of teaching-learning.

• The College library of the college facilitates the access of NLIST, e-library to the readers.

• Use of online platforms for teaching-learning process

• establishment of e-Language and Multimedia Lab.

• Establishment of Smart Class through PMUSHA.

Accreditation for quality education

• College is applying for NAAC Accreditation.


• No step has yet been taken


• The governance is taken care by Governing Body headed by President with Principal as the member–Secretary.

• Implementation of e-governance in various areas of

operation, namely, administration, finance, students

admission and examination.


Institutional Development Plan is the basis on which the college will frame the initiatives, assess the progress and reach the goals set therein. In keeping with the vision to convert into an autonomous college that will empower to drive excellence, Mount Everest College envisages the following initiatives,

  1. Upgrading and opening new programme as per the requirement of NEP from time to time.
  2. Convert the college into a self-governing degree granting autonomous institute of higher education.
  3. Provide more financial assistance and scholarships to socio-economically disadvantaged students.
  4. A transparent and stated process of faculty recruitment.
  5. Retention of faculty members and motivating them towards advancing the students, institution, and profession.
  6. Maintenance of ideal Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) so that faculty can interact with students, conduct research and can involve in other activities of college as well as extension.
  7. Autonomous, more accountable, decentralized and transparent internal governance.
  8. Strong Grievance Redressal system.
  9. Strictly administer all no-discrimination and anti-harassment rules.
  10. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for faculty and staff, and leadership training for Principal and others.
  11. Encouraging and empowering the faculty to conduct innovative teaching and pedagogy, research and service which will motivate them to do outstanding creative work.
  12. Excellent performance of the faculty in teaching, research and other services will be incentivized through appropriate rewards, recognitions, and movement into institutional leadership. Meanwhile, faculty not delivering on basic norms will be held accountable.
  13. Strengthening the student support system.
  14. Allocation of budget for establishment of Student clubs and organise activities by students under the supervision of faculty. Such activities will be incorporated into the curriculum as and when the student fee the necessity.
  15. Develop and use supportive technology tools for better participation and learning outcomes.
  16. Emphasis to increase the employability potential of the students
  17. Develop bridge courses for students of disadvantaged educational backgrounds.
  18. Provide regular counselling and mentoring programmes for social, emotional and academic Support.
  19. Develop more quality study material in local languages.
  20. Encourage research work among faculty and students.
  21. Augmentation of basic infrastructure facilities, viz, clean drinking water, clean working toilets, sports facilities, and pleasant classroom spaces and campuses.
  22. Increasing hostel facilities as per need.
  23. Providing medical facilities for all students
  24. Establishment of MoUs with institutions of national and international importance to undertake collaborative work in research and teaching and to facilitate faculty/student exchanges.
  25. Conduct outreach programmes on higher education opportunities, scholarships, skills and entrepreneurship among Socio-economically Disadvantaged Group (SEDGs).
  26. Undertake programme/add on course/activities to sensitise faculty, staff and students on issues of gender-identity
  27. Framing a mechanism for regular communication with all the stakeholders, so that they can be aware of new information in teaching-learning, research and community service; collection of feedback on various aspects of the college, its scientific analysis and action taken on that.
  28. Improving alumni engagement in various fields of activities of the college.
  29. Fostering greater engagement with the local community.
  30. Incorporating the principle of sustainability in all sphere of policies as well as activities.
  31. Allocation of budget to make a complete disabled-friendly college campus.
  32. Allocation of budget for environmentally sustainable campus by upholding the natural landscape and biodiversity using renewable sources of energy and giving importance in resilience (to mitigate natural disasters and accidents), sustainability, utilities and services, safety.
  33. Allocation of budget for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) management.
  34. Apply for various grants to Central and State Govt and to identify new source of funding.
  35. Undergo regular accreditation of the institution by the appropriate body with the aim to attain the highest level of accreditation over the next 15 years.


Present Strength and Capacity

• Cordial relationship among all the stakeholders.

• Functioning in the plural and multicultural atmosphere.

• Driven by the mission statement of imparting knowledge to all.

• Admission of students across all communities and areas who are socially and economically marginalised including the provision of admission of the transgender students.

• Student-centric teaching-learning process.

• Grievance Redressal Committee, Women Cell, Minority Cell, Anti-ragging & Anti-Narcotic committee, Women Cell etc. are in place.

• Funding from Govt of Manipur and Central Govt (under Govt UGC, PMUSHA, MoSDE)

Few steps to mitigate the gaps

• Apply to university, Govt of Manipur and other agencies to upgrade/start new programme (integrated BEd, Ph.D and other UG as per requirement of NEP)

• Apply to UGC for autonomy of the college after NAAC Accreditation.

• Appeal to NGOs and philanthropic persons/groups for sponsoring the socio-economically disadvantaged groups.

• Introduction of full flagged e-governance to bring transparency.

• Organise regular professional development programme for faculty and staff.

• Facilitates to participate in online and Face-to-face training programme.

• Organise industry-academia meet to improve the placement rate.

• Allocation of budget for rewarding faculty for excellence in teaching, research and other services

• Allocation of more budget to construct more classrooms, laboratories, ICT assessors, drinking water facilities, toilets, gymnasium, sports facilities, hostels, well equipped health centre, and other support services including disabled-friendly facilities.

• Allocation of budget for ERP management.

• Apply for various grants to Central and State Govt to augment all infrastructure, organise FDP and provide students service facilities. In addition, new sources of funding need to be identified.



  1. Offering new programmes like integrated B.Ed, Ph.D, upgrade more PG programme and other UG programme as per requirement of NEP in all the subjects.
  2. Convert into a self-governing degree granting autonomous institute of higher education.
  3. Undertake courses (diploma/certificate) on gender related issues.
  4. Offering more Add On Courses on various cross-cutting issues, like, Value Education, Human Rights, Web Designing, Bee Keeping, Mushroom Cultivation, Folk and Performing Arts, Knowledge of Self, Vedic Mathematics, etc to encourage multidisciplinary and holistic education.
  5. Provision of bridge courses for students of disadvantaged educationally backgrounds.
  6. Regularly organising students’ visit to places of importance to know the history, scientific contributions, traditions, indigenous literature and knowledge as a part of holistic education.
  7. Introduction of new pedagogy that supports student-centric learning.
  8. Creating online educational resources which students can use for independent learning.
  9. Establishment of MoUs with industries for better industry-academia relationship.
  10. Providing opportunities for internship with local industry, artists, craftsperson, etc., and research internship with other higher education institutions or research institutions.
  11. Refine quality based education and student exchange programmes.
  12. Providing counselling and mentoring system to all students.
  13. Establishment of more Students Clubs to nurture the creativity and skills of the students and organise various activities under these clubs.
  14. Providing with sufficient basic infrastructure and facilities, including clean drinking water, clean working toilets, blackboards, offices, teaching supplies, libraries, labs, and pleasant classroom spaces and campuses.
  15. Regular upgradation of the campus infrastructure according to the changing needs and frequent maintenance of the same.
  16. Providing 100% ICT enabled classrooms for teaching-learning.
  17. Provision of financial assistance and scholarships for the students of socio-economically deprived group.
  18. Encourage start-up and entrepreneurship.
  19. Framing of Gender sensitisation action plan and its implementation.
  20. More Hostel facilities for the desired students.
  21. Improving medical facilities for students.
  22. Providing opportunities for participation in sports and cultural activities.
  23. Endeavour to create systems and processes that are required to ensure students’ physical health and emotional wellness.
  24. Improving alumni engagement.
  25. Apply for various grants to Central and State Govt.
  26. Empowering the faculty to conduct innovative teaching, research and service.
  27. Providing support to the faculty/staff for capacity building and promote leadership.
  28. Develop a fully automated Management Information System.
  29. Promote decentralized administrative mechanism with participation, flexibility and accountability.
  30. Framing a mechanism for regular communication with all the stakeholders, collection of feedback on curriculum, Teaching-Learning Process, infrastructures, etc, its scientific analysis and action taken on that.
  31. Technological upgradation of the campus with centralized WiFi, ICT enabled classrooms, modernisation of computer labs and fully automated library.
  32. Providing a disabled-friendly college campus and introduction of disabled-friendly initiatives.
  33. Fostering research culture in the institution, establishment of research centres and encourage ‘Citizen research’.
  34. Fostering greater engagement with the local community.
  35. Framing transparent and objective mechanisms for evaluation of Self Appraisal Documents of faculty members; Peer review Committees to review contribution to teaching, research and publication, projects (research and consultancy), contribution in corporate life and extension activity.
  36. Preparation of detailed Campus Safety guidelines and its circulation among all stakeholders.
  37. Emphasis on environmentally sustainable campus by upholding the natural landscape and biodiversity.
  38. Promote sustainable development through eco-friendly practices and implementation of the green protocol
  39. Introduction of Document management system.
  40. Undergo regular accreditation of the institution by the appropriate body.




▪ Introducing more Add-on courses to enrich students in various domains to promote multidisciplinary and holistic education as well as to comprehend Indian Knowledge system.

▪ Organising students’ visit to places of importance to know the history, scientific contribution, traditions, indigenous literature and knowledge system.

▪ Encouraging students to participate in programme like, creative writing, drama, recitations etc. in their own language to promote Indian language.

▪ Take education out of the current rigid structure and encourage flexible and holistic learning.

▪ To augment placements by establishing a centre for career guidance which will remain connected with the different departments of the college.


▪ Initiate outcome-based education (OBE) wherein students will learn to structure activities to prioritize the end result.

▪ Design, compile and publish study materials for the restructured and newly introduced Add on courses.

▪ Give importance to placement activities by conducting job fairs and hosting Recruitment drives.



▪ To position itself as the primary choice of institute for higher education by ensuring high quality output consistently.

▪ Strengthening of own Learning Management System (LMS) for online mode of teaching-learning.

▪ Holistically uplift weaker students by making special provisions based on their unique needs and learning style.

▪ To encourage the students to be socially committed global citizens by improving their awareness about current socio, political and environmental scenarios.

▪ Use of more ICT in teaching and learning process.

▪ Establish a networking team consisting of all stakeholders to get feedback for the curriculum and its transaction.

▪ Introduce more student-centric teaching-learning process with special emphasis on technology.

▪ Strengthening the mentoring system.


▪ Encourage students and teachers to pursue online courses.

▪ Compulsory ‘Diagnostic test’ for the beginners to evaluate the learning level and draw a comparison at the end of the course to map their progress.

▪ Remedial classes/bridge courses for the slow learners.

▪ Encourage teachers to incorporate new methods of teaching and learning into the curriculum by attending Faculty Development Programs.

▪ Organise collaborative learning, like group project, Group discussion, etc to improve teamwork among students.

▪ Arranging programme on innovative teaching, pedagogy, classroom delivery techniques, etc.

▪ Systematic collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders and action taken.

▪ Development of smart class rooms with state-of-the-art facility.

▪ Full digitalisation of College library.

▪ Establishment of MoUs Academic Institution for Student Exchange and other Programmes.

▪ Organising students’ visit to places of importance to know the history, scientific contributions, traditions, indigenous literature and knowledge.



▪ Fostering research culture in the institution.

▪ Educational linkages in terms of more MoUs with premier institutions and take up collaborative research projects.

▪ Promote faculty members to have major/ minor project.

▪ International exposure to faculty through joint research with faculty from foreign universities.

▪ Abide by the guidelines for plagiarism prevention by introducing a plagiarism checker software.

▪ Motivate faculty to apply for Patent.

▪ Encourage Start-up, incubation center and create an innovation ecosystem.

▪ Assist Government and local bodies in community projects.

▪ Adoption of villages.

▪ Encourage research on local issues.


▪ Promote inter-disciplinary research within the college.

▪ Encourage the students to publish their project work in collaboration with their teacher-guide.

▪ Encourage innovative, location specific and society relevant research among teachers and students.

▪ Efforts will be made to undertake awareness programme on various Government schemes or community.

▪ To arrange programme/competitions where students can explore their ideas and transform those into the prototype.

▪ Continuation of activities under organic linkages with the neighbouring schools.

▪ Invite Industry experts for motivating students and provide practical knowledge.

▪ Promote students to work on real projects for industries.

▪ Conduct extension and proactive research programmes that would facilitate local developments in line with emerging global changes.



▪ Regular upgradation of the campus infrastructure according to the changing needs.

▪ Enhance use of technology in teaching-learning and administration.

▪ To revamp existing academic and other common facilities.

▪ Introduction of disabled-friendly Initiatives like introducing mobile apps and QR codes to facilitate easy movement.

▪ Establishment of Central Instrumentation Facility.


▪ Technological upgradation of the campus with centralized WiFi, ICT enabled classrooms, modernisation of computer labs and fully automated library.

▪ Improving of facilities like guest house, playground, medical Centre, convention centre, teachers quarter and campus radio centre.

▪ Upgradation of solar panels, wastewater treatment plants, Chemical waste treatment plant and rainwater harvesting.

▪ Upgradation of college canteen facilities.

▪ Establishment of botanical garden, green house and nursery.

▪ Pool funds together to buy sophisticated scientific equipment that can be accessed by all departments.

▪ Provision for hostel facility, especially for girl students.



▪ Refine quality-based education and student exchange programmes.

▪ Ensure more scholarships for students.

▪ Engage students in research studies and motivate them to optimize publication and design based projects.

▪ Improve placement activities.

▪ Fully functional counselling cell to caters the needs of students.

▪ Analysis and updation of student progression annually.

▪ Enhance the employability skill of the students.

▪ Fully automated central library.

▪ Encourage start-up and entrepreneurship.


▪ Extend scholarship facilities to eligible and financially needy students.

▪ Appeal will be made to NGOs and philanthropic persons/groups to extend their financial help to the students from socio-economic disadvantages group (SEDGs).

▪ Conduct job fairs in collaboration with other institutes.

▪ Special counselling and mentoring for slow learners.

▪ Rejuvenate students’ clubs to nurture the creativity of the students.

▪ Organising capacity enhancement programme.

▪ Organising various programme to enhance the leadership capacity of the students, with a special emphasis to girl students.

▪ Introduction of finishing schools for the outgoing students to enhance their employability.

▪ Establishment of Start-up incubation centre to support the entrepreneurship.



▪ Develop a fully automated Management Information System.

▪ Promote decentralized administrative mechanism with accountability.

▪ Initiative to integrate the Indian knowledge system in the curriculum.

▪ Ensure transparency in Financial Audit.

▪ To conduct various quality audits.

▪ Providing facilities to the faculty members to prepare e-content under Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).

▪ Undergo regular accreditation of the institution by the appropriate body.

▪ Apply for various grants to Central and State Govt.

▪ Providing support to the faculty/staff for capacity building and development.

▪ Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for faculty and staff, and leadership training.


▪ Promote participation of staff members in FDPs like refreshers, orientation programmes, short term courses.

▪ Facilitates participation in online and Face-to-face training programme organised by UGC/IGNOU on leadership training.

▪ Undertake academic and administrative audit, green and environment audit, library audit, energy audit and to implement the recommendations.

▪ Uphold efficient Grievance Redressal committee, Anti ragging & Anti-intoxicant cell, Anti Sexual Harassment Committee, Minority Cell and Women Cell, with the participation of staff and students.

▪ Preparation of Detailed Project Report and submission of the same to respective agency for funding.

▪ Organising faculty and staff development programme (including pedagogical training, workshops, seminars and conferences) for improved competence.



▪ Promote sustainable development through eco-friendly practices.

▪ Ensure proper waste management and water management system.

▪ Implementation of the green protocol.

▪ Awareness and sensitivity about environmental issues.

▪ Ensure gender equity and parity.

▪ Framing of Gender sensitisation action plan.

▪ Make a global impact on society through education, empowerment, research, innovation and philanthropic activities.

▪ Introduction of full fledged e-governance in areas of operation.


▪ Enhance energy management by installation of solar panels, use of LED bulbs, sensor-based energy conservation system.

▪ To limit the use of paper in office administration.

▪ Preservation of various varieties and species of trees in the ecosystem.

▪ Preservation of natural water resources in the campus.

▪ Strengthening the Environment & Climate cell, Eco club of the college.

▪ Observation of environmentally important commemorative days with students, staff and community.

▪ Undertake Green and environment audit, energy audit, fire audit and implementation of the recommendations.

▪ Regular Gender sensitization programs.

▪ Undertake Gender Audit.



1. Drop out of girl students from college due to early marriage.

2. Poor per capita income of the guardians leads to drop out of students from socio-economically disadvantage group (SEDGs).

3. Lack of motivation of the faculty members to write textbooks in local language which is very important for increasing access through Indian language.

4. Challenges of infrastructure and manpower to run multidisciplinary courses.

5. Lack of trained personal within the college to introduce programme on Indian knowledge system.

6. Lack of orientation about research (academic and community based) and innovation for majority of the faculty members.

7. Stagnant mindset of some faculty members creates hindrance to attend/participate in various capacity building programme.

8. Paucity of industry and entrepreneur in and around Senapati district is a disadvantage factor for enhancing employability.

9. Lack of awareness about the use of IT facilities in teaching-learning reduces the potential capability of the teachers.

10. Maintenance of quality to attract the international learners.

11. Inadequate funding for implementation of full flagged e-governance.



Hypothesis to mitigate the issue






Drop out of girl students from the

college due to early marriage.

Mass awareness in the grassroot level by faculty and students


Poor per capita income of the

guardians lead to drop out of

students from SEDGs.

• Facilitate Govt. freeship/scholarship

• Appeal will be made to NGOs and

philanthropic persons/groups to extend their financial help to the students from socio-economic disadvantages group (SEDGs)



Lack of motivation of the faculty

members to write text books in local

language which is very important for

increasing the access through Indian


• Organising workshop/session to

encourage and inspire the faculties by hiring competent resource persons



Challenges of infrastructure and

manpower to run multidisciplinary


• Apply for Govt grants

• Search out alternative fund

• Appoint tenure-based faculty as and

when needed


Lack of trained personal within the

college to introduce programme on

Indian knowledge system.

Provide training


Lack of orientation about research (academic and community based) and

innovation for majority of the faculty


Providing awareness and facilitate the basic requirement


Stagnant mindset of some faculty members creates hindrance to attend/participate in various capacity building programme.

• Providing awareness

• Organising programme related to continuing Professional Development (CPD)

• Sanction leave to attend the same

• Incentivised in terms of reward and

felicitation after the application of

knowledge and experience gained in

the teaching-learning, research and




The paucity of industry and entrepreneur in and around Senapati district is a disadvantage factor for enhancing employability.

• To provide necessary exposure to

students in industries outside the state

and industrial areas within the state.



Lack of awareness about the use of

IT facilities in teaching-learning

reduces the potential capability of the


• Organise awareness programme

• Organise workshop


Maintenance of quality to attract the

international learners.

• Framing of syllabus of local folk and

culture, tradition, medicinal plants and

local biodiversity, which can be taught

in online mode.


Inadequate funding for implementation of full flagged e-governance.

• Apply for grants to State and Central


• Searching of other funding agency.



Effective governance and leadership empower the creation of a culture of innovation and excellence in higher education institutions. It is expected that the Leaders of an HEI will demonstrate strong alignment to Constitutional values and the vision of the institution, along with attributes like, trust in teamwork, ability to work with diverse people, strong social commitment, pluralism with a positive outlook.

Keeping these in view, the following initiatives will be undertaken to promote leadership skill among the faculty members,

• Identification of excellent faculty with high academic and service credentials as well as demonstrated leadership and management skills.

• Excellence in teaching, research and services will be incentivized through appropriate rewards and recognitions and will be encouraged and motivated to be an institutional leader.

• Engaging faculty at all levels with strategic direction and decision-making capacity which will help to encourage them to pursue leadership roles.

• Organise leadership training for all faculty, particularly women.

• Provide mentoring to the faculty members by present academic administrators of the college.


The following initiatives will be helpful to ensure ‘transparency’ in governance

• Constituting Governing body of the college with highly qualified and responsible persons

• Implementation of full-fledged e-governance in various areas of operation, like, administration, student admission and support, examination and finance.

• Availability of information about college in the college website

• Disclosure under section 4(1) (b) of The RTI ACT, 2005

• Active Grievance redressal system

• Undertake regular Financial Audit by CA and Govt. Auditor

• Admission of students by following the Govt rule, strictly on merit basis.


Proposed plans

Action plans

Timeline (years)




Offering new programmes like integrated B.Ed, Ph.D and upgradation of UG and PG programme as per requirement of NEP in all the subjects.

• Apply to proper bodies for permission to introduce the programme.

• recruitment of qualified faculties for the programmes.

• Framing a track record to know the learning outcome.


Convert into a self-governing degree granting autonomous institute of higher education.

• Work towards for getting at least ‘A’ grade by NAAC

• Apply to UGC for granting autonomy



Undertake courses (diploma/certificate) on gender related issues.

• Preparation of syllabus of the courses

• Procurement of study materials



Offering more Add On Courses on various cross-cutting issues, like, Value Education, Human Rights, Web Designing, Bee Keeping, Mushroom Cultivation, Folk and Performing Arts, Knowledge of Self, Vedic Mathematics, etc to encourage multidisciplinary and holistic education.

• Preparation of syllabus of the courses

• Procurement of study materials • Augmentation of laboratory infrastructure as required



Provision of bridge courses for students of disadvantaged educationally backgrounds.

• Identification of the students

• Identification of the gap where bridge courses will be required

• Assigned teachers

• Preparation of Teaching plan and Lesson plans of the courses by the assigned teachers



Regularly organising students’ visit to places of importance to know the history, scientific contributions, traditions, indigenous literature and knowledge as a part of holistic education.

• Budget allocation for the students’ visit

• Application for Financial grant from competent authority

• Seeking permission from respective competent authorities • Establishment of MoUs/linkages with the competent authorities as and when possible

• Incorporating the visit schedule in the academic calendar


Introduction of new pedagogy that supports student-centric learning.

• Organise faculty development programme

• Organise in-house interaction session to discuss and share the idea and knowledge of the faculties


Creating online educational resources which students can use for independent learning.

• Strengthening own Learning Management System

• Continuation of subscription of n-list


Establishment of MoUs with industries for better industry-academia relationship.

• Explore the industries available in local, regional and national level

• Communicate them for information

• Organise seminar/workshop and invite the resource persons from industry



Providing opportunities for internship with local industry, artists, crafts-persons etc., and research internship with other higher education institutions or research institutions.

• Explore the industries, artists and craftspersons available in local level

• Establish MoU with other HIE/research center and communicate them for information.

• Organise seminar/workshop and invite the resource persons.

• Organise students’ visit.

• Budget allocation to organise the programme.

• Application for Financial grant from competent authority.


Refine quality-based education and student exchange programmes.

• Organised FDP as a part of Continuous Professional Development of faculty so that they can experience the present education scenario of the national and international level.

• Establish linkages with HEIs of repute for student exchange.


Providing counselling and mentoring system to all students.

• Incorporated Mentoring as an integral part of Academic Policy of the college

• Assigned teacher-mentor to each student

• Organise regular session with mentors-mentees

• Organise FDP on mentoring

• Establish MoUs with counsellor for mental health of the students • Organising face-to-face counselling session


Establishment of more Students Clubs to nurture the creativity and skills of the students and organise various activities under these clubs.

• Explore the possibility and opportunity to establish the students clubs.

• Assign in-charges from staff to look after the activities of each club.

• Assign student leader of each club which may help to develop leadership quality in them.


Providing with sufficient basic infrastructure and facilities, including clean drinking water, clean working toilets, blackboards, offices, teaching supplies, libraries, labs, and pleasant classroom spaces and campuses.

• Apply to concerned authorities for infrastructure grant

• Preparation and submission of proper plan and estimate along with detail progress report (DPR) to the concerned authority

• Budget allocation for proper maintenance of the unfractured


Regular upgradation of the campus infrastructure according to the changing needs and frequent maintenance of the same.

• Infrastructure augmentation is related to the introduction of new programme/student support service

• Apply to concerned authorities for infrastructure grant

• Preparation and submission of proper plan and estimate along with DPR to the concerned authority


Providing 100% ICT enabled classrooms for teaching-learning.

• Apply to concerned authorities for infrastructure grant

•Budget allocation for augmentation of the same

•Organising orientation programme for faculty on use of various tools of ICT in teaching-learning


Provision of financial assistance and scholarships for the students of socio-economically deprived group.

• Identify the students of socio-economically deprived group

• Apply to concerned authorities for grants

• Appeal to philanthropic person/groups for donation


Encourage start-up and entrepreneurship.

• Establish MoU with Govt/NGOs to undertake related activities

• Strengthening Institutional Innovation Council

• Explore the possibilities of local start-up avenues

• Apply to concerned authorities for funding


Framing of Gender sensitisation action plan and its implementation.

• Assign a committee to study the gap and prepare the gender sensitisation action plan

•Organise related workshops/ activities to aware the staff and students


Hostel facilities for the desired students.

• Assign a committee for need based study students

• Apply to concerned authorities for grants


Providing medical facilities for students.

• Strengthening the health unit of the college

• Establishing MoUs with Civil hospitals by providing registered medical practitioners


Providing opportunities for participation in sports and cultural activities.

• Strengthening the sports and cultural committee

• Establishment of Student clubs related to sports and culture

• Procurement of calisthenics and construction of track field, flood light/light tower and gallery with shed • Strengthening cricket coaching center

• Apply to concerned authorities for grants



Endeavour to create systems and processes that are required to ensure students’ physical health and emotional wellness.

• Incorporated Mentoring as an integral part of Academic Policy of the college

• Assigned teacher-mentor to each student

• Organised regular session with mentors-mentees

• Organised FDP on mentoring

• Establish MoUs with counsellor for taking care of the mental health of the students

• Organising face-to-face counselling session

• Augmentation of new equipment in gymnasium

• Construction of separate gymnasium for girl students



Improving alumni engagement.

• Organise regular alumni meet

• Involvement of alumni in various activities of the college

• Collection of feedback and implementation in the overall development of the college



Apply for various grants to Central and State Govt.

• Assign committee to explore various scheme under Central and State Govt.

• Preparation of proposal along with Concept paper/DPR


Empowering the faculty to conduct innovative teaching, research and service.

• Depute faculty to attend workshops, Seminar, conference etc.

• Organise training

• Allocation of budget



Providing support to the faculty/staff for capacity building and promote leadership

• Establishing MoUs with institutions of national importance to organise capacity building programme

• Encourage and depute faculty members to attend induction programme/ orientation programme/ refresher course/short term course and other training programme

• Excellence of teaching, research and services of faculty members will be incentivized through appropriate rewards and recognitions and will be encouraged and motivated to be an institutional leader

• Engaging faculty at all levels with strategic direction and decision-making which will help to encourage them to pursue leadership roles.

• Organise leadership training for all faculty, particularly women

• Provide mentoring to the faculty members by present academic administrators of the college



Develop a fully automated Management Information System.

• Assign committee to explore the areas of operation

• Allocation of budget



Promote decentralized administrative mechanism with participation, flexibility and accountability.

• Formation of various committees with faculty and staff to assign definite administrative tasks and responsibilities

• Every committee will have freedom to prepare their plan and decide implementation strategies • The convener/chairman/ coordinator of the committees will convey meetings as and when required for the implementation and organization of certain activities


Framing a mechanism for regular communication with all the stakeholders, collection of feedback on curriculum, Teaching-Learning Process, infrastructures, etc, its scientific analysis and action taken on that.

• Formation of WhatsApp/Facebooks (other social media) groups of parents, alumni, faculties, students and local bodies to bring them in a single accessible platform

• Provision of online feedback collection system

• Analysis of feedback data and their implementation

• Hosting the same in college website


Technological upgradation of the campus with centralized WiFi, ICT enabled classrooms, modernisation of computer labs and fully automated library.

• Apply to concerned authorities for grants

• Make a plan for implementation in a phase manner

• Strengthening the wifi coverage area including hostels

• Upgradation and inclusion of ICT gadgets in the classrooms

• Procurement of updated PCs for computer lab


Providing a disabled-friendly college campus and introduction of disabled-friendly initiatives like introducing mobile apps and QR codes to facilitate easy movement.

• Provision of ramps in all the buildings and lift to multi-storied buildings

• Signage including tactile path, display boards and signposts

• Procurement of screen-reading software

• Convert the present college website accessible by divyangjan • Inclusion of aforesaid mentioned facilities in the project proposal, send to concerned authorities

• Designing and development of mobile apps for divyangjan


Fostering research culture in the institution, establishment of research centres and encourage ‘Citizen research’.

• Encouraging the faculty members to undertake research work (subject specific and problems related to local issues)

• Incentivize the faculty members in terms of reward, certificate etc for good quality publication

• Establishment of UG research centre

• Training in Citizen Research for UG students will be initiated


Fostering greater engagement with the local community.

• Undertake community work on health, environment, wellness etc. in Senapati District – survey, analysis of data, report preparation, awareness and communicate the report to the concerned authority


Framing transparent and objective mechanisms for evaluation of Self Appraisal Documents of faculty members; Peer review Committees to review contribution to teaching, research and publication, projects (research and consultancy), contribution in corporate life and extension activity.

• Framing of questionnaires on various aspects like, Teaching-learning and evaluation related activities; co-curricular, extension and professional development related activities; research, publication and academic contribution of the faculty.

• Collection of self-appraisals annually (online) with proper documentational evidence.

• On the basis of self-appraisal, Annual Confidential Report of each faculty will be prepared by the principal.

• Provision of incentivize the faculty with excellent work

• Faculty not delivering on basic norms will be held accountable.



Preparation of detailed Campus Safety guidelines and its circulation among all stakeholders.

• Planning for disposition of various uses access, distribution of activity patterns, a network of movement

• Integration of appropriate technology

• Mitigation plan of natural disasters

• Inclusion of fire safety, safety during construction and expansion, surveillance in campus, or crime, etc



Emphasis on environmentally sustainable campus by upholding the natural landscape and biodiversity.

• Preservation and conservation of already occupied green area, waterbodies of the campus

• Preparation of master plan of the college highlighting various zones to retain the green cover in the campus


Promote sustainable development through eco-friendly practices and implementation of the green protocol.

• Provision of alternate energy sources

• Use of 100% LED bulbs in the college campus

• Use of bio degradable wastes of the campus by converting them in to bio fertilizer (‘Waste into Wealth’)

• Strengthening vermi composting

• Strengthening the system of rain water harvesting and open well recharge to promote water conservation

• Undertake regular Energy audit, Green and Environmental Audit and implementation of the recommendation

• Undertake plantation as a permanent project



Introduction of Document management system.

• Development of Online Document Management System (ODMS).


Undergo regular accreditation of the institution by the appropriate body.

• Preparation and uploading information to concerned authorities like NAAC.



Concluding remark

Mount Everest College is committed to the holistic development of the students. The college aims to create a strong internal system for supporting diverse student associates in academic and social domains.

The Institutional Development Plan will help to guide and plan to achieve this goal.