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Mt. Everest College has Games and Sports Club. There are various games and activities taken up every year. In the field of Education, it is one of the essential co-curricular activity and we considered it a very important activity.

The Motto of Games and Sports Club is, HEALTH IS WEALTH.

Vision and objective of Games and Sports are given below.


Every year, we use to celebrate Games and Sports week basing on student healthy life concerning their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development.

The main objective of the club is aiming to develop the student discipline through games and sports. As we have understood that, without discipline, we cannot able to achieve our goal. As the saying goes, “A man without discipline is like a ship without rudder”.

Moreover, we are aiming the personality development of the students through games and sports.

In the year 2018, we organized our college games and sports week on 11 September to 14 September.

Venue: College Campus


Chief Guest of opening ceremony was Shri L Dikho, Hon’ble Minister PHED Stationery and Printing. Govt. of Manipur.

Various games and sports are taken up such as, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Rally race 100 & 200 m., Shot Put, Spear Throw, Badminton, Long Jump, Chess, High Jump, Long Jump, Pole Climbing, Tug of War etc.

The underlisted are the Teacher Incharge of sports week.

  1. M. Robinson Chahongnao
  2. Seiminlun Haokip
  3. Jangminthang Chongloi
  4. Jaojian Riamei
  5. Guikimang Gonmei
  6. W. Dutta Kumar
  7. Naresh Singh
  8. Nahum Kahmei
  9. Kuvahlou Vemai
  10. KL Vashti Khou
  11. R Riphina
  12. Worinyo Muinao
  13. Asha Devi

We divide the students into 4(four) houses namely:

  1. Red House
  2. Green House
  3. Blue House
  4. Yellow House

On 14th September 2018, Prize & Certificate Distribution Day.

Sports Week 2019

In the year 2019, we organized our college Games and Sports Week on 18th September to 24th September.

Venue: College Campus


Chief Guest of Opening Ceremony was Shri. Dr. R.K. Ranjan Singh, Hon’ble MP (Lok Sabha) India, Member, Science & Technology & Environment & Forest Govt. of India.

Various Games and Sports are taken up such as, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Rally Race 100 & 200 m., Shot Put, Spear Throw, Badminton, Long Jump, Chess, High jump, Long Jump, Pole climbing, Tug of War etc.

The underlisted are the Teachers Incharge of Sports Week:

  1. M. Robinson Chahongnao
  2. Seiminlun Haokip
  3. Jangminthang Chongloi
  4. Kuvahlou Vemai
  5. W. Dutta Kumar
  6. Naresh Singh
  7. KL Vashti Khou
  8. R Riphina
  9. Worinyo Muinao
  10. Asha Devi

We divide the students into 4(four) houses namely:

  1. Pirates
  2. Ninjas
  3. Spartans
  4. Samurais

Sports Week 2022

In the year 2022, we organized our college Games and Sports Week on 19th April to 23rd April.

Venue: College Campus

Motto: “The Price of Greatness is Responsibility”

Chief Guest of Opening Ceremony was Shri. Dr. Usham Deben, Hon’ble MLA & Vice President BJP Manipur Pradesh.

Guest of Honour was Shri. Wilubou Newmai, Spokesperson BJP Manipur Pradesh.

Various Games and Sports are taken up such as, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Rally Race 100 & 200 m., Shot Put, Spear Throw, Badminton, Long Jump, Chess, High jump, Long Jump, Pole climbing, Tug of War etc.

The underlisted are the Teachers Incharge of Sports Week:

  1. M. Robinson Chahongnao
  2. Jangminthang Chongloi
  3. Seiminlun Haokip
  4. Maithai Vemai
  5. Kuvahlou Vemai
  6. Aniam Gondaimei
  7. Lanchenba Meetei
  8. Vobo Komuni
  9. R Riphina
  10. Kimneinem Chongloi
  11. L Heipovile Lily
  12. S Lungsuila

We divide the students into 4(four) houses namely:

  1. Green
  2. Blue
  3. Red
  4. Yellow

Sports Week 2023

In the year 2023, we organized our college Games and Sports Week on 3rd April to 6th April.

Venue: Poonem Ground

Motto: “Champion are Made, Not Born”

Chief Guest of Opening Ceremony was Shri. Meithuanlungpou Gonmei, Vice-Principal, MEC.

Various Games and Sports are taken up such as, Football, Volleyball, Shot Put, Long Jump, High Jump, Balloon Fight, Stick Walk, 100m & 200m Race, Relay Race, Arm Wrestling, Tug of War etc.

The underlisted are the Teachers Incharge of Sports Week:

  1. M. Robinson Chahongnao
  2. Jangminthang Chongloi
  3. Seiminlun Haokip
  4. Kuvahlou Vemai
  5. Aniam Gondaimei
  6. Lanchenba Meetei
  7. Vobo Komuni
  8. R Riphina
  9. Kimneinem Chongloi
  10. S Lungsuila
  11. Ashihrii Ophriini
  12. L Heipoivile Lily

We divide the students into 4(four) houses namely:

  1. Pheoniz
  2. Falcon
  3. Wolves
  4. Eagle

Sports Week 2023

In the year 2023, we organized our college Games and Sports Week on 2nd November to 4th November.

Venue: College Campus

Motto: “Sports with a Purpose”

Chief Guest of Opening Ceremony was Shri. Meithuanlungpou Gonmei, Vice-Principal, MEC.

Various Games and Sports are taken up such as, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Chess, Arm Wrestling, Tug of War, Relay Race etc.

The underlisted are the Teachers Incharge of Sports Week:

  1. M. Robinson Chahongnao
  2. Jangminthang Chongloi
  3. Seiminlun Haokip
  4. Kuvahlou Vemai
  5. Aniam Gondaimei
  6. Lanchenba Meetei
  7. Vobo Komuni
  8. R Riphina
  9. Kimneinem Chongloi
  10. S Lungsuila
  11. Ashihrii Ophriini
  12. L Heipoivile Lily

We divide the students into 4(four) houses namely:

  1. Pheoniz
  2. Falcon
  3. Wolves
  4. Eagle

In this year 2023, our college participated Senapati District Inter College Football Tournament, Organized by District Administration, Senapati Manipur and we have got 3rd (Third) place in the said tournament.




District level Sports

  1. Independence cup, 8-12 august 23