Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
Electoral literacy club (ELC) was formed in the year 2018 under the direction of The Director of University & Hr. Education Govt. of Manipur. As such, the college authority appointed S. Rock HOD, Political Science Dept. and Anisha Sangroula, Asst. Prof. Political Science Dept as the Nodal Officer. Currently, K R Alen Chiru Asst. Prof. Political Science Dept. and Ningthoujam Lanchenba Meetei Asst. Prof. Political Science Dept. are the Nodal Officer of Electoral Literacy Club, MEC.
The club was formed to provide a platform to engage the students through interesting activities and hands-on experience to sensitize them on electoral rights and familiarize them with the electoral process of registration and voting.
Present Members
Nodal Officer
Chairperson: Chonmipem Khamrang, BA III Sem, Political Science – 9612786130
Vice Chairman: Poujangai Gonmei, BSc. III Sem, Botany – 6009594169
Campus Ambassador: 1. Wonchuirin Ruivah, Pol. Sc, 1 sem – 9383118037
Class Representatives:
Club Members – Students of Mount Everest College
Activities Undertaken
Event Pictures
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