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Electoral Literacy Club

About the Club

Electoral literacy club (ELC) was formed in the year 2018 under the direction of The Director of University & Hr. Education Govt. of Manipur. As such, the college authority appointed S. Rock HOD, Political Science Dept. and Anisha Sangroula, Asst. Prof. Political Science Dept as the Nodal Officer. Currently, K R Alen Chiru Asst. Prof. Political Science Dept. and Ningthoujam Lanchenba Meetei Asst. Prof. Political Science Dept. are the Nodal Officer of Electoral Literacy Club, MEC.


The club was formed to provide a platform to engage the students through interesting activities and hands-on experience to sensitize them on electoral rights and familiarize them with the electoral process of registration and voting.

Present Members

Nodal Officer

  1. Ningthoujam Lanchenba Meetei, Asst. Prof.,Department of Political Science, MEC
  2. K R Alen Chiru, Asst. Prof., Department of Political Science, MEC

Chairperson:  Chonmipem Khamrang, BA III Sem, Political Science – 9612786130

Vice Chairman: Poujangai Gonmei, BSc. III Sem, Botany – 6009594169

Campus Ambassador: 1. Wonchuirin Ruivah, Pol. Sc, 1 sem – 9383118037

  • Chamchangbou, Pol. Sc. 1 Sem – 9362427833

Class Representatives:

Department/CLASSSemesterNameDesignationRoll No
Political ScienceIChamchangbou Wonchuirin RuivahCaptain Asst. Captain33 39
VCh.Hriilouni Choro Raikhane GraceCaptain Asst. Captain141 127
EnglishINg. Tralo Titus N. RoslinCaptain Asst. Captain24 20
VJepu Kyapaomai Maningsiliu DirinamaiCaptain Asst. Captain103 93
SociologyIMark Thoitak Dikiila KampuinameiCaptain Asst. Captain17 2
VCh. Ziivalou Thaichuilu PameiCaptain Asst. Captain102 18
HistoryISujoy MarryCaptain Asst. Captain1 2
VHedumghingbung Savane VemaiCaptain Asst. Captain10 5
BAIIIWisambou Chawang Chonmipem KhamrangCaptain Asst. Captain6 43
BScIIIPf. Ashikho Anju BaralCaptain Asst. Captain75 5
CommerceIIsaplungbe ShangpiliuCaptain Asst. Captain15 1
IIIBijay Limbu M Kajuipan ThangalCaptain Asst. Captain6 11
VR P Shunashio Lamboichong chongloiCaptain Asst. Captain18 17
BotanyIRamtaso Jajo Rachel GangmeiCaptain Asst. Captain9 2
VM Rakovei Tao L.PL JoyrichCaptain Asst. Captain56 67
PhysicsIJob Chawang Naina KumariCaptain Asst. Captain20 4
VDaniel K LuckyliuCaptain Asst. Captain57 10
ZoologyIKho Raih Lugaina ThaimeiCaptain Asst. Captain14 18
VPouriangwibou Maremmai Donguila Kethryne M.Captain Asst. Captain71 47

Club Members – Students of Mount Everest College

Activities Undertaken

Sl.noActivity ReportDate/Year
1Election of Class Representatives (CL). The process of electing CL is conducted by the ELC every year by organizing election in each class. The candidates are made to present a speech in the class and according to that the students will elect their own representatives.  2018 – 2023
2   Electoral registration and SVEEP Campaign for SSR. It was conducted in the College auditorium with Shri. Ronald SDC as the resource person  22nd Oct. 2019
3Systematic Voter’s Education. It was organized by the ELC in collaboration with Regional Registration Office under SVEEP at college assembly ground under the theme “Greater participation for a stronger democracy”. The students are encouraged to enroll in the electoral registration for greater participation in the democratic process of election.  4th Dec, 2023

Event Pictures

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