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Department Of Zoology

Unlocking the Wonders of Zoosphere:

Mount Everest College’s Zoology Department – Where Nature Meets Knowledge!

Established in 2005 and concurrently elevated to Honours Degree Course, the Department of Zoological Studies at Mount Everest College stands resolute in its commitment to fostering academic excellence and propelling the advancement of these vital disciplines. It boasts a spacious, impeccably equipped laboratory, testament to its dedication to providing its students with the most immersive and enriching learning environment imaginable. Recognizing the pivotal role of practical application, the curriculum meticulously integrates laboratory components into both teaching and research endeavors. The department’s faculty, a distinguished ensemble of highly qualified, seasoned, and unwavering individuals, brings a wealth of expertise and unwavering dedication to bear upon their students’ intellectual development.

Our vision is to be a leading force in the advancement of zoological knowledge and its application to sustainable development. We will achieve this by:
* Providing excellence in higher education, research, and innovation in the field of zoology.
* Remaining sensitive and responsive to the changing needs of the world, focusing on emerging challenges and opportunities.
* Promoting the discovery and dissemination of knowledge about animal biology, evolution, and their environments.
* Holistically developing students to become responsible and effective contributors to the well-being of animals and society in a dynamic world.

Our mission is to empower our students to become responsible and impactful individuals equipped to tackle the challenges of the modern world. We achieve this by:

* Delivering high-quality education that fosters intellectual growth, social awareness, and ethical conduct.
* Extending learning beyond the classroom through active engagement in seminars, workshops, and research activities, fostering academic excellence and well-rounded development.
* Imparting practical skills that enable students to thrive in their chosen fields and contribute meaningfully to society.
* Cultivating a deep respect for animal welfare, conservation, and biodiversity protection, inspiring a commitment to sustainable practices.
* Igniting a passion for scientific inquiry and research, propelling advancements in the field of zoology.


PEO1: To encourage inventive ideas with potential of making a worldwide effect by learning the foundation of Zoology and understanding the animal kingdom, traits and diversity.

PEO2: To provide an expertise in the domain helpful for the higher education and research.

PEO3: To impart skill development training and prepare learners for productive career in the different field of biological sciences.

PEO4: to provide learners with the requisite knowledge and skills for societal and environmental benefits.


  • Bachelor of Science ( Honours in Zoology


Passed with 50% aggregate marks (45% marks in case of candidate belonging to SC/ST) in the 10+2 examination or equivalent with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.


2005: Inception of the Department and Upgraded to Honours.

Sl. noName of field work/project/study tourAim and objectiveOutcomeDate, month & yearDurationplaceTotal no. of studentsTotal no.of teacher incharge
1Field collection trip to Zaimeng Lake, Thonglang            (1st sem)To observe the subject in its natural state and possibly collect samplesThe field work has given a lot of knowledge to the students studying different kinds of faunas and floras and their adaptations, mainly the very rare species- crocodile Newt/Salamander (Tylototriton verrucosus)24th March 20211 DayZaimeng Lake Thenglang, Sanapati, Manipur543
2One Day field collection trip to Imphal (1st sem)To study the faunas found in the places, acquire the knowledge of their distribution & conservations of natural ecosystem.The field work helps to create a new ideas and enthusiasm for searching different kinds of faunas which was not seen earlier.4thDec 20211 DayImphal (-Zoological park -kakching garden –Khongjon war memorial complex -Awungching park)393
3An Edeucational tour to Kolkata  (5th Sem)To Enable student to gain field knowledge and experience as the theoretical learning is incomplete without seeing the living organisms and their relations with the environment.This Educational trip has given a lot of knowledge to the students. -They study different kinds of faunas and their adaptation. -it also improved student’s attitude towards Science.18th– 26th Mar 20229 DaysKolkata (-Zoological park Alipore -Eco Tourism Park -BSI -Science City -Indian Museum -Nicco park)1501
4Study Tour to Shillong and Guwahati (5th Sem)To Study the faunas of a particular place. -To acquire the knowledge about the conservation of natural ecosystem and biodiversity of the region.The study tour has offered an outdoor activity away from the normal classroom environment -offered an opportunity to directly observe the natural beauty and biodiversity richness of Shillong and Guwahati.              1st-6thOct 2022                6 daysShillong (-Elephant Fall -Wards Lake -Umiam lake -Lady Hydari park -Living Root Bridge -Dawki -Lynksiar falls -Nohkalikai falls -Eco Park (Seven sister fall) -Mawsmai Cave) Guwahati (-Regional Science Center -Assam State Zoo cum Botanical garden)                26                02
5Field trip to Zoological garden, Imphal. (4thSem)-To study the different specimen of animals characteristic feature, distribution, conservation etc.The Zoological field work has given a lot of knowledge to the students. -Helped the student to observe and study different kinds of faunas and floras.22nd April, 20231 DayIroisemba, Imphal, Manipur42      02
6A project on life cycle of Plasmodium vivax (1st Sem)-NEP  To study the life cycle of Plasmodium vivaxThe project work has helped the students to gain a lot of knowledge. -Able to understand the Life stages of plasmodium vivax2nd-9th May 20231 WeekMount Everest College, Senapati, Manipur        01
7A Project work on Broiler    management (1stSem)- NEPTo study the management of Broilers.The project work has helped the students to gained knowledge in management of Broiler in terms of nutrition, feed, security and quality.  17th-Oct, 2022-17th May 20236 Months  Senapati    __    01
  8Field collection Trip to Sikkim ( 5th Sem)-To study the faunas of a particular place -to acquire the knowledge about the conservation of natural ecosystem and biodiversity of the region.-The field study helps the students to study the faunas and floras of the place. -offered and outdoor activity away from normal classroom environment and an opportunity to observed the natural beauty and biodiversity richness of Sikkim.      30th  sept-6th Oct 2023      1 week    Sikkim (-Himalayan Zoological Park -Kala Pathar Gurudongmar Lake  -Nathula Pass – Sengo Lake      17      02


2M. LISHINE   F  ASST.PROF  M.Sc, NET  ST       



  1. Teacher’s Training Workshop on Empowering Teachers with Innovative Teaching Technique
  2. Two Day National Seminar on “Unsung Heroes of North-East India in India’s Freedom Struggle” Organized by IQAC Mount Everest College in Collaboration with Research Committee MEC on 30th-31st January 2023
  3. One Day Workshop on Career Counseling.
  4. Seven Days Faculty Development Programme on Moodle LMS Organized by IQAC, Mount Everest College held from 24th -30th August, 2023 at Smart Class Room- 10, Mount Everest College.
  5. A Seminar on Drug Abuse Awareness organized by Senapati District Student’s Association(SDSA)
  6. One Day Field trip to Sericulture Farm to Kidima, Kohima, Nagaland on 11th November, 2023.


  1. Teacher’s Training Workshop on Empowering Teachers with Innovative Teaching Technique.
  2. One Day Workshop on Career Counseling.
  3. Seven Days Faculty Development Programme on Moodle LMS Organized by IQAC, Mount Everest College held from 24th -30th August, 2023 at Smart Class Room- 10, Mount Everest College.
  4. A Seminar on Drug Abuse Awareness organized by Senapati District Student’s Association(SDSA)


  1. Seven Days Faculty Development Programme on Moodle LMS Organized by IQAC, Mount Everest College held from 24th -30th August, 2023 at Smart Class Room- 10, Mount Everest College.
  • A Seminar on Drug Abuse Awareness organized by Senapati District Student’s Association(SDSA)


PO1. Critical Thinking:

  • Gain basic knowledge and skill in the fundamental of animal sciences, understand the complex interaction among various living organisms.
  • Knowledge of the evolution of animals.
  • Understands about various concepts of genetics and its importance in human health.
  • Apply the knowledge of internal structure of cell and its functions.

       PO2.  Effective communication:

                   Develop empathy and love towards the animals and analyse the relationship.

       PO3.  Social interaction:

                   Analyses complex interaction among the various animals of different phyla, their          distribution and their relationship with the environment.


  PSO1: It enables the students to understand and recognize the relationship between             structure and function at different levels of biological organization and also know the rules of          taxonomy and principles of Animals classification.

  PSO2: Analyse the relationship among animals, plants and microbes of how they depend on each othert for survival, bringing stability and balanced environments.

  PSO3: By performing procedure as per lab standards enables the students to explore the chemical processes within and related to living organisms.

  POS4: Helped the students to understand the applications of biological sciences in apiculture, Aquaculture, Agriculture and Medicine.

  PSO5: Techniques and knowledge discussed in the vital topics like cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular biology manifest the knowledge in studies by correlating physiological processes of animals and relationship with cellular structure.


SemesterCourseCourse names COs
      IZOO-101                 ZOO- 101PPrincipal of classification, Zoogeography and palaeozoology.           Practicals based on ZOO-101CO1                   CO2-Understand the basic principal of Classification -know the geographical distribution of different animals -able to determine the evolutionary relationship among a set of organisms through the study of their fossil.     -understanding the taxonomic collections, different methods of preservation and identification of species using dichotomous key.
      IIZOO-202               ZOO-202PFunctional Anatomy of Non- Chordata             Practicals based on  ZOO- 203    CO3             CO4-Introduction to vast diversity of Non-chordates. -Knowledge of their general characteristic, classification, life cycle patterns of representative animals of non-chordates.     -concept about the dissection of different organisms. -permanent slide -knowledge about Mounting procedure.  
      III  ZOO-303                 ZOO-303PFunctional Anatomy of Chordata                 Practical based on ZOO-305  CO5                   CO6-Knowledge on Classification, systematic and taxonomy -Introduction to vast Diversity of Chordates and their Architecture -Special adaptive feature of some classes is introduced like poison apparatus of snakes, and so on.         -know the anatomy of selected chordates -know the morphology of different chordates -knowledge about the bones of different chordates.
        IVZOO-404                   ZOO-404PEnvironmental Ecology, Applied Zoology, Wildlife and Computer Application.             Practical based on  ZOO-407  CO7                     CO8-Concept about the conservation of Environment. -Students introduced to the concept of ecology, population, community, ecosystem etc -understand the importance of computer application in biological sciences.         Understand the life cycle, morphology of economically important insects -study the Ecosystem, estimate the pH, turbidity and temperature of different pond.    
          VZOO-505           ZOO-506                         ZOO-507PCell biology and Genetics       Evolution, Ethology, biotechnology and Bioinstrumentation                     Practical based on ZOO-509 and ZOO-510  CO9           CO10                      CO11Introduction to the concept of different cell organelles, cell cycle and cell signaling.

    -concept building on the origin of life and different theories of Evulotion. – concept building on Ethology, instinctive and learning behavior -concept building on patterns of behavior, social and sexual behavior of different animal.           -understand different stages of cell cycle -knowledge of Karyotyping -Minicry of different insects -get to know different biological methods.    
          VIZOO-608                   ZOO-609                     ZOO-610PAnimal Physiology and Endocrinology                 Developmental Biology, histology and Biological Chemistry               Practical based on ZOO-612 and ZOO-613  CO12                 CO13                     CO14  -Physiological aspects of all the important system like respiration, circulation, digestion etc. -Understanding the role of different Endocrine glands in our body.         -Understanding the developmental stages human. -Know the T.S and L.S of some important glands and organs of mammals -Introduction to biomolecules like carbohydrates, protein, lipids and amino acids.   –     -WBC and RBC count -Introduction to developmental stages of frog and Chick -Get the knowledge of blood groupings. -Students get introduced to various biochemical methods.    


I.Core Course: This is a course which is to be compulsorily studied by a student as a core requirement to complete the requirement of a programme in a said discipline/subject of study. Each of the core courses shall contain two components: Theory and Practical/Tutorial. Theory Paper having Practical shall carry 4 Credits so that the practical carries 2 Credits. Theory Paper having Tutorial shall carry 5 Credits so that Tutorial carries 1 Credit.

II. Elective Course: Generally, an elective course is a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses which may be very specific or specialized or advanced or scope or which enables an exposure to some other discipline/subject/domain or nurtures the candidate’s proficiency/skill.

An elective course may be three types:

            (a)        Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course: Elective courses offered by the main discipline/subject of study are referred to as Discipline Specific domain. Each course is to advance knowledge and skill in the core domain. Each of the DSE course shall contain two components: Theory and Practical/Tutorial. Theory paper carries 4 credits, Practical carries 2 credits and Tutorial carries 1 credit.

            (b)        Dissertation/Project/Internship: An elective course designed to acquire special/advanced knowledge is termed as dissertation/Project. This is considered as a special course involving application of knowledge in Dissertation/Project Work/Internship is optional and it may be offered in lieu of a discipline specific elective paper in 8th Semester.

(c)        Generic Elective Course (GEC): An elective course chosen generally from an unrelated discipline/subject, with an intention to seek a wide exposure is called a Generic Elective. A core course offered in a discipline/subject may be treated as an elective by other discipline/subject and vice versa and such electives may also be referred to as Generic Elective. Each of the GEC Courses shall contain two components: Theory and Practical/Tutorial. Theory Paper carry 4 credits, Practical carries 2 credits and Tutorial carries 1 credits.

III.       Ability Enhancement Course: The Ability Enhancement Course may be of two kinds: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) and Skill Enhancement Course (SEC).

            AECC course are the courses based upon the content that leads to knowledge enhancement: (i) Environmental Science and (ii) English/MIL Communication. These are mandatory for all disciplines.

            SEC courses are value-based and/or skill-based and are aimed at providing hands-on-training, competencies, skills, etc. These may be chosen for a pool of courses designed to provide value-based and/or skill-based knowledge. Each of the AECC and SEC courses shall carry 4 Credits.

The syllabi and Course Structure of Elective Course (DSE, GEC), AECC and VAC is given in their respective Admission Form, respective Department and  also  available in the College Website as per the Manipur University NEP-2020 Ordinance for UG Programme as Approved by  the Academic Council dated 14th June, 2022.

IV.       Value Addition Courses (VAC): These are courses that will help develop all capacities of human beings intellectual, aesthetic, social, physical, emotional, and moral in an integrated manner. It includes subjects like Yoga, Sports, Health Care, NCC, NSS, Ethics, Culture etc. VAC Courses may be chosen from a pool of courses. Each VAC Course shall carry 2 Credits.

The syllabi and Course Structure of VAC is available in the respective Department.


            Course structure for 4-year undergraduate programmes


The students are continuously assessed and evaluated during the course of their studies by conducting class test and unit test. Besides the class test, at least two combined unit tests are conducted in every semester before the end semester examination.

Other areas of internal evaluation which are looked into are-

  1. Students regularity/Attendance,
  2. Discipline and
  3. Participation and contribution in various Activities and programmes conducted by the concern department and the College.

       Above all, follow up of all form of activities in action plan is documented and maintained by the concern department.


With the students’ participant, capacity building activities like focus group meeting or group discussion and class room observation are performed to understand where we are what to achieve. To encourage policy dialogue, cooperation, networking and exchanges of practices among the students’ activity like seminar were conducted. Students enrolled in respective semester in the department are distributed among the faculty for mentorship. Capacity building as the process of developing and strengthening, confidence, skills knowledge and resources for both students and teachers help to grow and strive in a fast changing world.

Skill enhancement class were conducted time to time to provide hands-on-training, competencies, skills etc.


For effective learning, department adopted various activities to energize students inside the class room. Students were motivated to involve in such activities to understand their learning level. Open-ended questions are posed after every lecture base on the day’s topic and ask students to come up with their best answer. Real-time reactions from the students are encouraged which help them to spot trends and consider new points of view. The evaluative technique like chain notes, brain writing, etc. are adopted to test the learner’s knowledge and stage of understanding. Sometime depending upon the topic students were asked to prepare concept mapping for their better comprehends on the issues they learned.

            Besides, the students were enrolled in various cell and clubs and participated in outreach activities conduct by the NSS and various cell and clubs. There is no internships system in the college as a whole. As a projects, department organized field trip or study tour for the students taking them in a particular places or village for survey. Base on the data collected during the trip, students were asks to prepared survey report book to be submitted to the department. The report is made mandatory for every student. This provides changes for students to interact with the local or villagers from different work of life which give them hands on knowledge in real life learning.

  • Compulsory Assembly, Chapel Services and Ethic Classes to impart value-based education and spiritual growth.
  • Target setting for syllabus completion
  • Strict attendance
  • Compulsory College Uniform and Discipline- Monitored by the Dean of Students.
  • Continuous Internal Assessment and evaluation
  • Personal Counselling and Assessment of the Students.
  • Free Daily Coaching for 5/6 Semester students. Areas: General Science Social Science, Language, Leadership Training etc.
  • Skill Enhancement Training-Catered by Skill Enhancement Committee
  • Departmental and Inter-Departmental Activities.
  • Educational Tour , Exposure and Field Trip
  • Unmanned Shop (Build on Trust and Honesty)
  • Active participation in any Seminar, workshops and competition.