Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
The vision and mission of the department is to impart students with theoretical and substantive knowledge by providing an opportunity to advance in the leading edge of the discipline. It is also determined to incite sociological imagination in values formation and moral development in practical and meaningful ways.
The Department of Sociology at Mount Everest College was established in 1999 with an undergraduate programme. Subsequently, it launched a Masters programme in 2022. The department is dedicated towards creating competent and socially sensitive graduates through rigorous teaching/ training and extension activities.
Mr. Jangminthang Chongloi
Mount Everest College, Senapati, Manipur from 24th – 30th August, 2023.
Ms. Yenai Veonah
Mount Everest College, Senapati, Manipur from 24th -30th August, 2023.
NEP-2020 for University and College Teachers conducted by IGNOU (Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education), New Delhi from 13th -21st April, 2023.
Dr. Seiminlun Chongloi
Perspective”, at two days International seminar on India’s Act East Policy with reference to Manipur , organized by Rayburn College, New Lamka Churachandpur, Manipur with Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) on 30th & 31st October, 2018.
Thadou-Kuki of Manipur” at National Seminar on “Socio-Cultural and Economic
Lingkages to Sustainable Development in North-East India, organized by Department of Sociology, Don Bosco College, Jollang-Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.
The Course Structure for B.A (Programme) Sociology was framed under Ordinance for Undergraduate Programme in Science, Arts and Commerce, 2021.
There are total Eighteen Sociology Core Courses that students are required to take across eight semesters. All the Core Courses are compulsory. In addition to core courses in Sociology, a student of BA Programme Sociology should complete Skill Enhancement Course (SEC); SEC-1 and SEC-2, in the First and Second Semesters respectively. Further, the student will choose four Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses, Six Generic Elective Courses (GEC).
The Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses are offered in the last four semesters of the Four-Year undergraduate programme namely the fifth, sixth, seventh and eight Semesters. One such course will be selected by a student for each of these semesters from a set of courses specified (Group I and II in the attached table). Further the DSE courses for fifth and seventh semester should be selected from the list of courses in Group I and for the sixth and eight semesters from the list in group II.
The Generic elective courses (GEC) which are meant for students of other departments are being offered from 3rd semester through 8th semester (enclosed separate table). The students are required to take six GEC courses during the whole programme, one per semester running through 3rd semester to 8th semester.
There are two compulsory papers for every student in first and second Semester; AECC-01 (English/MIL) and AECC-02 (EVS) respectively.
Mark distribution and Evaluation
Total marks for each course shall be based on Internal assessment (25%) and semester end examination (75%). The internal assessment of 25 % shall be distributed as under
(i) Test/ Assignment/Seminar/Field work/Project work/ Case Study: 20 %
(ii) Attendance 5%
Course Structure for 4 Year UG Sociology Programmes
1. Secretary, Sports Committee, MEC
2. Chairman, Extension Committee, MEC
3. Member, Placement Cell, MEC
1. Member, Magazine Committee
2. Secretary, Cultural Club
3. Member, NAAC Committee
1. Member, Research Committee
2. Member, Skill Enhancement Committee
The Continuous Internal assessment Evaluation of the students is an integral part of the teaching-learning process. The students have been encouraged continuously to study sincerely for the improvement of their performance through the following:
● Weekly tests, Class tests, Unit tests
● Presentations
● Assignments
● Debate
● Project work/Activity
● Group discussions
● Remedial classes
● Attendance
Capacity building such as monitoring and mentoring, supervision, community networks and outreach are practised in the department. To further enhance their skills for the comprehensive learning journey, students of the department are encouraged to enroll and actively participate in all the club activities, department/inter-departmental activities, co-curricular and extra-curricular events to explore new horizons while taking part in meaningful activities that will benefit them in the long run.
Besides teaching-learning experience, the department organizes field trip, extension activities and study tours outside the classroom. Until now, the department have organized two international tours and four intra-state tours.
● To ensure fair marking system in the internal assessments, the department uses various assessment tools such as tests, projects, activity book, presentation, group discussion, club activities, assignments and daily attendance to record for the same.
● Department Activity is conducted for holistic learning experience and enhance overall skill development.
● Promptly monitoring and mentoring of students.
● Teachers Evaluation by students are taken up in the department to identify areas for the growth and development.
● Educational tours, exposure and community awareness are consistently organized in the department.
Whispered Memories: Online classes during the stillness of contagious Covid lockdown …