Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
The mission and vision of the department is to impart students the truth about the historical events of the past in its chronological orders, without any iota of biasness and in partiality. The Department is determine not only in teaching – learning process but also in inculcating strong will and spirit among the students for their future academic endeavor. Besides, the Department is determine in moulding the spiritual and moral qualities of the students as well.The Department is committed to prepare students for pursuing the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in higher education and research in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary areas. In addition, the Department will prepare students with the knowledge and skill base that would enable them to undertake further studies in History and its related areas. The students will develop the ability in students to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired to get to the solutions of specific historical as well as theoretical aspects of History.
The Department of History traced its origin to the time the college was established. Since the establishment of the college in 1999, several hundred students had completed their undergraduate degree programme, and are currently working or studying in different places. With the activation of past graduate program in 2022, the departmental activities got multiplied. In the current academic session, there are 24 undergraduate and 8 post graduate students with five faculties.Moreover, the Department of History was upgraded to Honours in the year 2014. In the upgration programme of post graduate programme on 12th August 2022, host of officials from Manipur University including Prof. Sudhir, Head of the Department of History, M.U came to the Mount Everest College Institution.
Measurable objectives for this goal1. Students will describe historical events from multiple perspectives.2. Students will formulate, sustain and justify a historical argument using original ideas.3.Students will support arguments with historical evidence drawn from primary and secondary sources.4. Students will place historical arguments into a larger scholarly narrative.5. Students will analyze a primary source of medium difficulty. “Analyze” means to describe its biases and situate it in a historical context.
Measurable objectives for this goal1. Students will demonstrate the ability to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate source materials.2. Students will incorporate ideas from source.3. Students will avoid plagiarism and state in their own words why it is wrong.4. Students will cite sources as appropriate in the format indicated on the History Department style street.
Measurable objectives for this goal1. Students will frame research questions.2. Students will assess appropriate primary and secondary sources.3.Students will assess the reliability of sources and evaluate their content.4. Students will use sources to contextualize historical events and describe change over time.5. Students will produce written evidence of research competence.
Measurable objectives for this goal1. Students will apply their skills to diverse areas and time periods of study. At minimum, their programs will include courses from Indian History, American History, South East Asian History to African History. It also includes skill courses in different fields.2. Students will utilize the crucial vocabulary of political, social, intellectual and economic history.3. Students will be able to pursue graduate in history or social studies teaching should they choose.
The students are continuously assessed and evaluated during the course of their studies by conducting class test and unit test. Besides the class test, at least two combined unit tests are conducted in every semester before the end semester examination.
Other areas of internal evaluation which are looked into are-
Above all, follow up of all form of activities in action plan is documented and maintained by the concern department.
With the students’ participant, capacity building activities like focus group meeting or group discussion and class room observation are performed to understand where we are what to achieve. To encourage policy dialogue, cooperation, networking and exchanges of practices among the students’ activity like seminar were conducted. Students enrolled in respective semester in the department are distributed among the faculty for mentorship. Capacity building as the process of developing and strengthening, confidence, skills knowledge and resources for both students and teachers help to grow and strive in a fast changing world.
Skill enhancement class were conducted time to time to provide hands-on-training, competencies, skills etc.
For effective learning, department adopted various activities to energize students inside the class room. Students were motivated to involve in such activities to understand their learning level. Open-ended questions are posed after every lecture base on the day’s topic and ask students to come up with their best answer. Real-time reactions from the students are encouraged which help them to spot trends and consider new points of view. The evaluative technique like chain notes, brain writing, etc. are adopted to test the learner’s knowledge and stage of understanding. Sometime depending upon the topic students were asked to prepare concept mapping for their better comprehends on the issues they learned.
Besides, the students were enrolled in various cell and clubs and participated in outreach activities conduct by the NSS and various cell and clubs. There is no internships system in the college as a whole. As a projects, department organized field trip or study tour for the students taking them in a particular places or village for survey. Base on the data collected during the trip, students were asks to prepared survey report book to be submitted to the department. The report is made mandatory for every student. This provides changes for students to interact with the local or villagers from different work of life which give them hands on knowledge in real life learning.