Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
The mission of the department is:– To impart quality commerce education and skills oriented courses among the students community through constant guidance and supervision.– To enhance their self-confidence and help them meet the challenges of the contemporary business environment.VISION:To build a conceptual foundation in the area of commerce and develop students for professional career in management, accounting, finance, research and higher education.To equip the students with accounting and entrepreneurial skills.To build life skills through value based education and service oriented programmes.HISTORICAL MILESTONES:2009: Inception of the Department as B.COM with Management honors2023: Guided 11th batches of students.
1. One day Workshop on B. com syllabus Framed According to National Education Policy (NEP-2020), Organised by Department of Commerce, Manipur University, on 3rd April, 2022.2. Resource Person for One day workshop on Career counselling with the theme “know your career options”, Organised by Guidance and counselling cell, MEC, on 8th April, 2022.3. Resource person for one day career Guidance for Students on 16th August , 2022 at Modern higher Secondary School, Kohima.One Day State Level Workshop on NEP2020: Its implementation, Issues and Challenge organized by IQAC Mount Everest College, on 12th November, 2022.4. Two- Day National Seminar on “Unsung Heroes in North East India’s in Indian’s Freedom Struggle” organized by IQAC Mount Everest College in collaboration with Reasearch Committee MEC on 30&31st January, 2023.5. Resource person for One day career guidance, Organised by Song Song Youth and Students Union(SSYSU), on 27th May, 2023 at Mao Gate.6. 7-Day Faculty Development Programme on MOODLE LMS organised by IQAC Mount Everest College held from 24th August 30th August, 2023 at Smart Classroom-10, Mount Everest College.7. Resource Person for One day workshop on Career counselling , Organised by Career 8. Guidance and counselling cell, MEC, on 12th May, 2023EXTRA-CORRICULAR ACTIVITIES:1. Chairman Hostel Committee, MESC
1. Two- Day National Seminar on “Unsung Heroes in North East India’s in Indian’s Freedom Struggle” organized by IQAC Mount Everest College in collaboration with Research Committee MEC on 30&31st January, 2023.2. 7-Day Faculty Development Programme on MOODLE LMS organised by IQAC Mount Everest College held from 24th August 30th August, 2023 at Smart Classroom-10, Mount Everest College3. Presented Paper on “ The role of regional Rural Bank in Financial Inclusion-an empirical Study on NORTH EAST INDIA” in National conference on Emerging trend in Commerce and Management, Organised by South East Association College of Science, Commerce and Arts., Bangalore., 2016
1. Two- Day National Seminar on “Unsung Heroes in North East India’s in Indian’s Freedom Struggle” organized by IQAC Mount Everest College in collaboration with Research Committee MEC on 30&31st January, 2023.2. 7-Day Faculty Development Programme on MOODLE LMS organised by IQAC Mount Everest College held from 24th August 30th August, 2023 at Smart Classroom-10, Mount Everest College