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Governing Body Member

Mount Everest College.


We, the Governing Body Members of the institute-Mount Everest College, Senapati having solemnly resolved to have the by-laws & service rules of the institute thereof.

The following members are hereunto affirmed as Managing Committee:

Sl. No. Name Address Designation

  1. Dr. V. Alexander Pao Taphou, Senapati President
  2. Mrs. Khuveirou Vemai Taphou, Senapati Secretary
  3. Dr. Samson S. Chiru MEC Campus, Spt Asst. Secretary
  4. Mr. A. John Taphou Naga Member
  5. Mrs. Ngangda Regina Chingmai Khullen Treasurer
  6. Mr. R.S. Abel Phyapou, Senapati Member
  7. Mr. N. Jacob Taphou, Senapati Member

Certified to be true copy


The name of the institution shall be “Mount Everest College”


The institute is located at Taphou Senapati, Manipur – 795106 INDIA.

Date of establishment: 15th December, 1999

The Mount Everest College was established in 1999 A.D.

Besides the rules and regulations as enshrined in the College prospectus, the following By-laws are inserted as deemed necessity taking into cognizance in this changing times.

  1. The institute shall have due respect and honour accorded to college administration and management staff rendering relentless service for the Society in the interest of the stake holders which includes: Community Leaders, Parents, Student Bodies and Government Functionaries.
  2. The institute shall have right thinking for right people whose endeavor for upliftment of the institute/society shall be taken deemed necessity.
  3. The institute shall have right teaching to the young people to build right step of education in their own family and society at large.
  4. To any extent of discrepancies, peaceful and amicable solution shall be arrived at through mutual understanding.
  5. To affirm students’ regularity, obeying the rules & regulations and attentive in the classrooms as an obligatory habit.
  6. The institute shall have due respect accorded to lady staff and girl students with deemed legal application whenever necessary.
  7. The institute shall have regular assemblies and Chapel services. All must attend as it is a part of the College Internal Curriculum.
  8. The institute shall not tolerate lewd comments and other undesirable behavior which includes screaming and whistling in and around the campus.
  9. Staff or Students and any individual found indulging in drinking, gambling and violation of the rules and regulations of the college shall be dealt with appropriate action.
  10. Campus is smoking-free zone. Any defaulter may invite the verdict and its application of the honourable Supreme Court declaring 100 yards radius as rule.
  11. Ensuring “Silence is Golden” in every classroom and during office hour is mandatory.
  12. Ensuring proper and full uniform for the students and decent and formal dresses for every individual is the rule of the institute.
  13. The institute shall not tolerate illicit relationship among students and adults.
  14. To develop speaking English language in the class, office, and in the campus is the primary focus for all individual.
  15. To render civic sense for the welfare of the church and society is recognized as a first duty, part of the institute’s pluralistic, federal characteristics and devolution of power.
  16. To maintain proper subordination of teaching staff, non-teaching staff & students is indispensable.
  17. Maintaining clean environment and sanitation is to be adhered to strictly.
  18. To maintain noise free pollution during the class and office hour. (High volume of sound systems, engine or industrial works is an offence).
  19. To maintain peaceful co-existence in the campus by one and all between/among in campus staff, students and other residents.
  20. Violation of by-laws, rules & regulations on this count shall invite punishment even to the extent of heavy penalty which fits severity of the violation.
  21. To provide teacher training programmes with latest teaching technology and teaching modules.
  22. To provide special focus on women teachers and their protection of their welfare.


I. President –

  1. Office: The President shall be the ex-officio chairman of the institute.
  2. He shall hold the office as long as he intends.


  1. He will preside over the meeting of the institute.
  2. To issue orders of appointment, confirmations, release and termination of the Employee.
  3. To receive all the petition/application and notices of business to be brought to the Governing Body Members.
  4. To sign all documents, sanctions all disbursement and receive on behalf of GBM.
  5. To take all necessary action of the resolutions/decisions taken by the GBM as well as of the institute.
  6. To acquire moveable or immovable properties together with all rights pertaining thereto. And to construct and maintain buildings including all the infrastructures.

II. Secretary (Administrator)-


  1. He/She is the ex- officio member of the institute.
  2. He/She is appointed by the GBM on recommendation of the President.
  3. He/She is the administrator of the institute and ex-officio member.


  1. He/She acts as the head of the institute having responsibility for the general administration of all affairs.
  2. Act as the President in his absence on authorization of the latter.
  3. Ensure proper maintenance of the accounts, records and arrange for the safe custody of all properties of the institute.
  4. Assign or delegate duties or powers as deemed necessary to any other employee.
  5. Carry out all correspondences relating to the institute.

III. Powers and Functions of Assistant Secretary

The Assistant Secretary shall exercise the power of the secretary during the latter’s absence. The Secretary may also delicate his/her power to the assistant secretary. The Assistant Secretary may assist the Secretary in discharging the latter’s duties and functions.

IV. Powers and functions of the Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the financial affairs of the society. He/she shall not keep any amount of fund beyond the extend fixed in the regulations of the society. He/she shall prepare statements, returns etc. connected with the accounts of the Society.

V. Governing Body Members

Term of Office:

The term or tenure of the Governing Body Members shall be of 3 years. However, their terms may be extended in case, if need arises.

Appointment/Election of Managing Committee Members:

Managing Committee Members shall be appointed on the Annual General Meeting through a fair election. The Election of the Members of the Managing Committee shall be done at least one month ahead of the expiry of the term so that the succeeding managing committee shall assume charges on the last day of the expired term.


A Managing Committee Member may be removed from the office before expiry of term on the basis of immoral behaviour or incapable of duty on health ground or act/voice against the principles/interest of the college.

Powers and Functions:

  1. The General Body Meeting of the college will be held twice a year, in which Governing Body Members presence is compulsory, (date and time to be intimated in advance).
  2. a) Decision of the governing body members will be the final in case any problem arises between the college authority and teaching staff/students/parents or any organization.

b) Any problem arising within the college or outside in connection with the college affairs which cannot be settled by the college authority will be forwarded to the Governing Body members for taking up a final decision.

  1. Approval of the Governing Body Members is necessary whenever any infrastructure or development programmes are taken up in the college.
  2. The Governing Body members should fully co-operate with college authority at the time of conducting examination.
  3. The appointment of staff/faculty will be done in accordance to the norms of the UGC by the Governing Body Members with due consultation of the University nominees and concerned authority recommended by the Interviewing Board.
  4. The Governing Body Members will not draw Salary but however they will get honorarium/incentive at the year end. They will enjoy T.A. on official duty/deputation.
  5. The Governing Body Members will see the matter and solve the problem in case of any financial crisis in the college.
  6. Every elected Governing Body Member should submit a Xerox copy of their Photo Identity Proof (PAN Card or Photo identity Card of Electoral Roll or Aadhar Card) of all the trustees/Members along with their postal address and a declaration/undertaking from each trustee/member as to whether they have accepted the responsibility with which they have been entrusted.
  7. The Governing Body Members will be the highest decision making body of the college.

VI. Principal:

Office: He/ she is the ex- officio member of the institute.

  1. He/she will be appointed by the GBM/MU on recommendation of the President.
  2. Remain in office as per the rule specified by MU/UGC.


  1. Study and evaluate academic curriculum and extra curriculum required by the institute and make necessary proposal to the President for recommendation and timely action.
  2. Prepare all schedule and take in-charge of students’ admission in consultation with the President/administrator.
  3. Evaluate the performance of staff and students and their welfare.
  4. Ensuring discipline and conduct of the staff and the students.
  5. Maintain records of academic information of the students.
  6. Assume responsibility of the matter pertaining academic sessions.
  7. Carry out all correspondences relating to students and of the institute as a whole.
  8. Take disciplinary action to any undisciplined students as per his authority according to the rules and regulations as per laid down in the prospectus.
  9. Grant leave to teachers and assign or delegate duties as per rule and by virtue of his office.
  10. Convene meetings, organizes functions in consultation with the President/Administrator.
  11. Take responsibility as officer-in charge in University and Council exams.

VII. Vice-Principal:

  1. He/she will be appointed by the GBM/MU on recommendation of the President.
  2. Assume responsibility of the matter pertaining academic sessions.
  3. He/she has rights and privileges by virtue of his office.
  4. Takes in charge in the absence of the Principal on authorization.
  5. Remain in office as per the rule specified by MU/UGC.
  6. Grant leave to students and assign or delegate duties as per rule and by virtue of his office.
  7. Take responsibility as officer-in charge in University and Council exam if he/she is found to be fit, experience and genuine.
  8. He/she will help in disciplining and all round development of the students.


The funds of the society maybe rise by way of:

  1. Subscription from the members
  2. Loans and Advances from Govt. Institutions, corporate bodies.
  3. Misc. Receipts such as donations gift etc.


Subscription once contributed and fees once paid to the society shall not be refunded.


The income of the college will be utilized for the purpose of the college and no portion of the income will be given to office bearer.


  1. All funds shall be kept in account to be operated jointly by any two of the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer of which the Secretary shall be one of the two.
  2. The account shall be opened in a Scheduled Bank, a Co-operative Bank or any other banking Company.
  3. Every expenditure shall be made on the sanction of Secretary.


Proper books of accounts, registers and other documents shall be maintained as may be prescribed by the Manipur Societies Registration Act, 1989 and the rules or by the Registrar of the Societies. In case there is no such prescription the Society shall maintain the following books of accounts.

  1. Cash Book showing daily receipts and expenditures and the balance at the end of each day.
  2. Receipt books in duplicate forms one of which is to be issued with details of money received by the Society and the other to serve as counter foil.
  3. Voucher file containing all vouchers for contingent and other expenditure incurred by the Society, numbered, serially and filled in chronologically.
  4. Ledgers showing consolidated and separate accounts for all items of receipts and expenditures.
  5. Registers of receipts and disbursements.
  6. Any other books of accounts, if required.


The society shall cause its accounts to be audited at least once a year by a Chartered Accountant or any other qualified Auditor or an Auditor of the Department of Co-Operative, Govt. of Manipur. The society shall pay such amount as audit fee in the manner and at the rate fixed by the appropriate authority of the audit. The managing committee shall arrange for proper internal audit and supervision.


Documents statements and returns touching the affairs of the society shall be submitted to the Registrar of Societies and other authorities within the time prescribed in the Act and the rules in compliance with the provision therein or any directive from the Registrar of Societies or in case the managing Committee think that the documents and information may be required by the Registrar of Societies or other authorities proceedings of the meeting of the General Body, the Managing Committee and any other Committee shall be submitted to the Registrar of Societies for his information, approval etc.


Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Rules, the society shall keep open to inspection free of charge in its office.

  1. A copy of the Manipur Societies Registration Act. 1989 (Act, 1 of 1990) and its amendment.
  2. A copy of the Manipur Societies Registration Rules.
  3. A copy of the Regulation of the Society.
  4. The register of members
  5. A copy of the latest audited balance sheet.
  6. The Register of the Managing Committee members.
  7. The receipt and expenditure account.
  8. Certified copies of any document which a member of the society has a right to inspect shall be supplied on application.


  1. MEMBERSHIP: The membership of the institute shall consist of the President, Secretary, Principal, Vice – Principal, PRO, Academic Dean, Senior Chaplain and Chaplain.
  3. The institute shall have meeting at least once in three months during academic session.
  4. Meeting shall be convened by the Principal in consultation with the President.
  5. A meeting can also be convened in the absence of the President if the latter gives a prior consent.
  6. All members of the institute/Court must attend the meeting and they have the right to vote except part timers.
  7. The resolutions/action of the meeting is subjected to forwarding of the President.
  8. A simple majority will constitute the quorum. (One more than half of the total members).


  1. Administrative Officers:
    1. President (ii) Secretary (iii) Principal (iv) Vice-Principal

(v) Academic Dean (vi) Public Relations Officer. (P.R.O)

  • Graduate
  • Post Graduate
  • NET/JRF/B.ED/M.Ed/Ph.D

C. Non-Teaching Staff:

  1. Matric or equivalent/+2 or equivalent
  2. Under Graduate
  3. Graduate
  4. The college traditionally practices student-cum-employment opportunities/ placement.


  1. Teaching Faculty

All appointments are done through writing and personal interview. His/her profile and experience are examined by the administrative officers.

  1. Non-Teaching Staff

Non-Teaching staff are directly appointed by the President through personal appearance before the administrative officers.


At least one year of probationary period is given to all the staff. His/her service shall be confirmed only after the probation.


Any employee who attains 5 years of teaching has the privilege of retiring if his/her case is acceptable.


The following rules are confirmed in respect of termination and resignation from service.

  1. When an employee tender resignation prior to two months ahead.
  2. When an employee gets an appointment from the Government or any organization.
  3. When an employee is found corrupt, unfaithful, irresponsible, irregular, breaking rules and regulations.
  4. When any complaint lodge against his/her is proved to be valid/ guilty.


  1. Holidays

National and State holidays declared in the College Calendar considered as general holidays. (Including the college declared internal holidays)

  1. Leave
  2. Casual Leave: An employee can have 12 days casual leave in an academic year entitled only for the confirmed employee. No two teaching staff shall be granted casual leave at the same time. Casual leave should be obtained in writing/written ahead of time from the President/ Secretary/Principal/V. Principal.
  3. Sick Leave: Any employee shall be granted 3 days sick leave without deduction of salary. If the sickness persists more than 3 days, an employee may send a reliever in his/her place (adhoc teacher) for 15 days. More than that, he/she may be considered “unhealthy” and his/her service shall be terminated on health ground, exceptionally only on certified medical practitioner not below MBBS/Equivalent support letter may revoke his/ her termination.
  4. Maternity Leave: An employee shall be granted 30 days maternity leave.
  5. Half Day Leave: No half day leave shall be granted. Any employee who leaves the campus ahead of time without prior information (in case of emergencies prior permission should be obtained from the authority) shall be considered as absent and one day wages shall be deducted from his/her pay.


Not less than three-fifth of the registered members of the Society may determine at a meeting specially convened for the purpose that the society shall be dissolved whether forthwith or otherwise.


If on dissolution of the society, there shall remain after the satisfaction of all the debts and liabilities, any property or assets, the same shall not be distributed among the members of the Society, but shall be given to other registered societies or organizations with similar objectives, as may be decided by the General Body strictly following the provisions of the Societies Registration Act.


Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Rules any alterations, additions, omissions etc. in the Regulation and the Memorandum of the society shall be effected by votes of at least 3/5 of the total number of members of the Society at a General Body Meeting dully convened for the purpose. The Regulation and the Memorandum so amended shall take effect from the date of receipt of the communication of the recording of the amendment from the Registrar of Societies. For the amendments in the Memorandum of the society prior permission of the Registrar of Societies, is necessary.


Any matter not specifically mentioned in these Regulations shall be dealt with according to the provision, of the Manipur Societies Registration Act. 1989 and the Rules framed thereunder and the words and phrases used therein shall carry the same as those in the Act and the Rules.

Certified to be true copy

President Secretary Treasurer