Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
(a) To provide quality infrastructures, quality teaching-learning for quality outcome and to contribute in removing illiteracy in the region.
(b) To provide the highest standard of personal development, including intellectual, physical and spiritual values.
(c) To equip and direct every student to be fit and take part in national building by discovering and nurturing their talents.
(d) To give top priority in inculcating civic sense and discipline so as to produce high quality, secular, educated persons of the highest degree of integrity and abolish corruption in the society.
(e) To develop and promote skills of leadership so as to equip the students for their tomorrow’s role and responsibilities as pillars of the nation.
(f) To inculcate in them the habit of information seeking and passing.
(g) To inculcate the sense of duty so as to help them lead a purposeful life.
(h) To help students appreciate cultural plurality while not mistaking the uniqueness of each one.
(i) To educate the students in matter of human rights so as to let them understand their own rights as human being and appreciate and accommodate rights of other.
(j) To help students realize the importance of ecological balance and care for the environment and accordingly use eco-friendly articles.
(k) To prepare the students for the future.