Taphou Phyamai, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
In relation to World Youth Skills Day, Mount Everest College, Senapati emphasizes the need to impart and acknowledge the crucial significance of equipping young individuals with the necessary skill sets for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship. It is also an opportunity to emphasize the role of skills development in enabling the youth of the college to thrive in the economy. with this mission, the College organized the World Youths Skills Day on 15 July 2023 initiated by the Skill Enhancement Committee in collaboration with NSS Unit- 1 Volunteers, sponsored by Mount Everest College Alumni Association at the College Premises under the theme “Skilling Teachers, Trainers, and youth for transformative futures”
To Create opportunities that enable students to acquire new skills and refine their talents in daily necessities- domestic construction work using cement and bricks was taught by the expert of the building laborer of the college. Teachers along with more than 15 NSS Unit- 1 volunteers have participated in the programme.