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With the initiative of Mount Everest College NSS Unit-1, the college observed World Water Day on 22nd March, 2023 under the theme “Accelerating Change” at College Smart Hall. 50 NSS Volunteer and Teachers participated the programme.

In relation to the day, an Awareness Programme was held with Ms. Vashti Kho, Asst. Prof., Department of Anthropology attended as a Recourse Person. On her introductory remark, she said “The theme emphasises the requirement for stern action to protect the world from the water crisis. Addressing the issue, according to UN, “Billions of people and countless schools, businesses, healthcare centres, farms and factories don’t have the safe water and toilets they need. There is an urgent need to accelerate change – to go beyond business as usual.”

She also deliberates on Three important points- 1. Water problem/Crisis at the Global level 2. Water crisis at the National Level and 3. Water crisis at the Local Level. She maintained while encourage the NSS Volunteer to spread awareness and put into practice as a responsible citizen starting from their family, own locality, society, Nation and the world about the Water crisis and to conserved the Water resources.