Taphou, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
Mount Everest College
Two-Day National Seminar
“Unsung Heroes of North-East India in India’s Freedom Struggle”
Date: 30th & 31st January 2023
Venue: College Auditorium
Organized by:
Research Committee in Collaboration with IQAC
Senapati, Manipur -795106
Two-Day National Seminar was held on the theme ‘Unsung Heroes of North-East India in India’s Freedom Struggle’ by Mount Everest College in collaboration with the Research Committee and IQAC of the college. Huge numbers of participants from institutions, college students, research scholars from various subjects and regular and guest faculty professors participated at the said seminar.
On this Two-Day National Seminar, there were fourteen speakers with Prof. H. Sudhirkumar Singh, HoD Department of History, University of Manipur who presented the key note address of the seminar.
With words of introduction of the program event followed by singing the College Anthem, ‘the Everestian’, the moderators of the event Ms. Veikhene and Mr. K. R. Alen Chiru, Assistant Professors of the college, led the first day of the seminar with the participants of about 350 members. The day was graced with a prayer pronounced by Mr. Jenkins Kongkongho, Student’s Facilitator, MEC.
Lighting of the lamp was led by the dignitaries of the seminar which was swiftly followed with a note of welcome address from Sir. Gonmei Meithuanlungpao, Vice Principal, MEC. In his address, he thanks the heroes especially of the North East who redeemed our people from the bondage of injustice, difficulties and from many troubles in our land. He further stated that “those heroes will be glad to see so many young students and future leaders coming to talk about them”.
The day’s event was followed by the presentation to our dignitaries with our respected institution President Dr. V. Alexander Pao. After which a beautiful and melodious song was presented from the Music Club, MEC.
Addressing the gathering, Prof. H. Sudhirkumar Singh stated that serious students of history will certainly notice the way changes are taking place in the historiographical trends in the last decade precisely because of the finding of historical researchers from the young promising scholars. It may be well construed as commendable contributions in the shaping of filling up the yawning gap left behind in the trend of historical scholarship that dominated for a long spell of time. He further stated that coming to the case of Northeast India, its history till the early 90’s, more or less remained in the footnotes in the mainstream history. Interestingly, however, Northeast’s place within the larger canvas of history is getting recognized because of historical contributions made by the scholars working on this area. The HOD is hopeful that the presentations which will be made by different speakers on a variety of themes within the larger topic of the seminar will certainly help to a creative way of acknowledging the contributions made by the freedom fighters of the region in the historic freedom struggle of India.
Dr. Holkhongam Haokip, chairman, Research Committee, Mount Everest College in his vote of thanks of the inaugural session stated that the committee had organised a similar national seminar in the previous year too. With active collaboration of the institution and cooperation of all Manipur history department, the seminar is organised “Unsung Heroes of NE India in India’s freedom struggle” which is quite relevant. The aim of the seminar was to explore and to tell the stories of the heroes whose stories have been untouched and still remained untold. Most of the freedom fighters of the Northeast still remain unsung as they did not find a place in the mainland histories till date although there are so many to name them. Their histories have been known by the Northeast but not by the mainland in the national level.
Technical session of the first day began with presenters from different scholars with Dr. Samson S. Chiru, principal, Mount Everest College on “Independent ethnic tribal policy in Manipur (Chiru context),”. In his paper the speaker said that in India’s more than 2% of the population is Tribals and the constitution has enshrined 5th and 6th Schedules for this marginalized people of India. And the 6th Scheduled is especially made for the tribals of the northeast India. He further said that land for the tribals is a security for them and the land has so much attachment for the people from birth till death. Land is also an identity for the tribal. In Chiru context, land ownership is of three types viz, Private, Village and the Chief or the King of the village.
Dr. Mina Devi, Guest Faculty, Department of Ancient History and Archeology, Manipur University who spoke on the topic “Chingakham Sanajaoba and Kuki Rebellion, 1917-1919” stated that as Manipur came under British colonial rule, its history has a rough picture. In 1917, Kuki rebelled against British under the leadership of Chingakham Sanajaoba. He fought the colonial ruler and for thatr, he was jailed for life at Andaman and Nicobar Island. He fought the British in full bravery but his life after he was jailed could not be much known,
British Colonial Policies and their Impact in Manipur by Dr. Somorendro Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Tamenglong College, Manipur stated that after British rule arrives in Manipur, people and their community were divided on the principle of divide and rule policy. Before the coming of the British, Manipur was enjoying the administration as the princely state. Though Manipur was not that place where the British could extract much resources as the other state, the state of Manipur was taken by the British for their strategic purposes.
Dr. L. Letkhomang Haokip, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Rayburn College, Ccpur, Manipur who spoke on the topic “Understanding Local Support to INA: The Role of Pu Semkhohao Haokip” said that Pu Semkhohao Haokip helped that Japanese and the INA in lodging, intelligent report to the armies with the sole interest to drive the British from the land of India. He is also considered to be one first person to come in contact with the Japanese. He was not only a warrior against the colonial rulers but also an educationist who set up a school and today the school and the land is donated to the state.
Fighting by Seikhomang Guite, PhD Scholar, Manipur University spoke of the contribution of Pu Tintao who was also a great and brave fighter against the British from Manipur. Under his leadership, they tried and block many Britishers ration supplies and also caused lots of hampers for the colonial rulers to reach their target and desire destination palces.
Contribution of Local People to INA in Struggle for independence- A Historical review by Moiranthem Boby Singh, Research Scholar, Department of History, Manipur University. The speaker said that, the local people contribution cannot be ignored as they act as a guide in many cases and also supply lots of their needs in the struggle of the war.
Dr. Heisnam Budhichandra Singh, Assistant Professor, Thambal Marik College, Oinam delivered on the topics “Bir Tikendrajit – A Hero of Manipur”. He said that Bir Tikendrajit was a prince of Manipur and a great patriotic hero. He was also called the tiger of Manipur for his bravery act. The speaker also further elaborated how Bir Tikendrajit was furiously persuaded by the colonial forces for his challenge against the British power.
With these topics, the first day of the Two-day National Seminar concluded with a fruitful discussion hour.
The second day of the seminar begins with a prayer graced by our IQAC Coordinator Mr. Niomchung Jatak Chiru.
Technical session of the first day began with presenters from various scholars with Dr. Holkhonggam Haokip, Assistant Professor Department of History, Mount Everest College who spoke on the topic “Kuki Rebellion (1917-1920) ans the Role of Pu Ngulkhup Haokip”. He said that Pu Ngulkhup Haokip was truly a brave hero who fought the British in his ful strength and vigor that the British even tried to retreat. For his act of rebellion, Pu Ngulkhup Haokip was jailed at Imphal. The speaker also said that the war at Chakpi river led to killing of British officer and injure many more. The consequence was, the Chakpi villagers were force to flee from their village. Dr. Holkhonggam Haokip said, it is now our duty to unearth the names of our heroes who have done and contribute commendable deed for our land and the people. The study should also focus more importantly on relationship of different community. He further stated that only exploring one’s own identity is not enough.
Social Conflict Induced Migration: A Manipur Story by Dr. Augustine, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Mount Everest College elaborately speaks on this very contemporary issue. He said that nearly 272 million migrate every year. This issue has become a great challenge for the state of Manipur as well. In Manipur, he said migration takes palace due to the following major reasons as Lack of Educationa facilities, Unemployment problems and Majaor social conflict. And some major ethnic conflict such as cultural differences, presence if militants and land dispute is also shared.
Role of British Political Agent (1835-1890) in the Social and Economic Changes in Manipur, Special reference to Meitei Community was also presented as a join paper by W.Charushilla Devi, Assistant Professor, Department of History and W. Asha Devi, Assistatn Professor Department of Commerce, Mount Everest College
British Policies in Manipur After 1891 by Ningthoujam Lanchenba Meetei, Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Manipur University said that the motive and goals of the British was also for their gain and profit of their England. Before the British Manipur with all its glory enjoyed but lost everything to colonial rule. He also pointed out some merits and demerits of British rule as unification of the hill and valley administration, Manipour Daba being completely control by the colonial ruler and the placing of Hill administration under the British Political Agent.
Dr. V. S. Sholounii Pou, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Mount Everest College who spoke on the topic “Local Self Government in India: Issues and Prospect” said that local government inn greater mainland India and Hill tribals of Manipur has a big gap. Whereas the Mainland India follows Panchayat three tier systems, the hill tribals of Manipur are under the Village Authority Act of 1956. Yet this too is not followed as written in the Act. Some major issues in tribal local government in Manipur tribal people are; there is a huge confusion between the written Act of 1956 vs the traditional age old practice, the conventional law and the written law, problem of participations and difficulties of funding to the village Authorities.
After these papers being presented by different speakers, there was a brain storming questions and answer hours. And the day two sessions come to conclusion with a valedictory lecture from Dr. Augustine, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Mount Everest College with vote of thanks by our esteemed IQAC Coordinator, Mount Everest College.
The benediction prayer was pronounced by Mr. S.P. Simeon, Chaplain, MEC