Taphou Phyamai, Senapati District 795106, Manipur
ONE DAY AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON “CYBER SECURITY AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGY” was organized in Mt. Everest College auditorium hall on 19th Oct, 2022. It was organized by the NIELIT Extension, Senapati Centre in collaboration with Mt. Everest College. It was attended by Meithuanlungpao Gonmei, Acting Principal of MEC, Roshan Shagolsem, Academic dean of MEC, Teachers and students of MEC and various officials and members of NIELIT. Karuna Wangkhem and Monita Wahengbam, scientist ‘C’ from NIELIT graced the event as resource persons.
The objective of the programme was to update the knowledge of the students on basic modern cyber technology that are commonly used and create awareness on the risk and precautionary measures of using such technologies.
The programme started with the singing of College anthem followed by introductory speech from Roshal Shagolsem, Academic Dean of MEC.
Resource person Karuna Wangkhem elaborated on the definition of cyber Security and enlightened the students on the basic understanding of the cyber technologies that are used on a daily basis from our gadgets. As such, she stressed on the threats and risks of such technologies and the common mistakes we make making us vulnerable from cyber-attacks.
Monita Wahengbam continued to highlight the Security measures we need to take as preventive measures from various cyber-attacks. She introduced the understanding of good cyber hygiene to the students and spoke on various tips for security.
The awareness raised in the minds of the students from this programme was manifested during the questions and answer hour. Many students raised their concerns and doubts regarding cyber security and the risk they are exposed from the daily usage of their gadgets.
The programme was a grand success in creating a healthier cyber environment and equipping the students with knowledge to deal with the risk of cyber-attacks we are exposed to everyday.
The programme ended with words of gratitude from M. Gonmei Acting Principal of MEC and closing prayer by S.P. Simeon, Chaplain of MEC.