Awareness Programme on MENSTRUAL HYGIENE



Mount Everest College Women’s Cell under AMYAA NGO in collaboration with PROJECT BAALA organized One Day Awareness Programme on MENSTRUAL HYGIENE Cum Distribution of Free BAALA REUSABLE SANITARY PADS on 20th September, 2022 in the College Auditorium Hall at 11:00 am.

The programme was attended by Mr. R.L. Paul Chawang, President, AMYAA NGO, Ms. Marina Aweliu, Facilitator AMYAA as a resource person and College Faculties. The Female Students of First, Third and Fifth Semester were also attended the programme and avail the gift of Free BAALA reusable sanitary pads.

The Programme was moderated by Ms. M. Nimrila, Asst. Prof., Department of Zoology, MEC. Welcome and Introduction was led by Ms. K. Kateni, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Botany, MEC where she introduce the President AMYAA NGO Mr. R.K. Paul Chawang and Resource Person Ms. Marina Aweliu, Facilitator AMYAA. Followed by Speech From R.K. Paul Chawang, President, AMYAA NGO.

In his speech He stated that the student of today must not study just to secure good marks and obtain passed certificates, while that is important, students must go beyond textbook learning to relate their learning with real situations of their lives and environment. The present prevailing situation of overall development in the state of Manipur is disheartening. Students have to complete their studies with much hardships and hard works to buy jobs. Student today are finding hard to find role models in their societies be it any in the field of any professions. Youth of today must not live under psychological fear to raise their voices against deprivations of their basis rights such as right to education, health and clean drinking water facilities in their respective villages. We must stand against corruption and as responsible youth fight against corrupt practices in all spheres. A young 11 years old environmental activist Ms.Licypriya Kangujam from Manipur who stood firm to combat climate change stands as a true example of how youth can fight for a good cause in their societies. As students are empowered to empower others to exercise the true freedom of defending our fundamental rights for meaning existence as loyal citizens of our country and as responsible Youth leaders of our societies, he concluded.

Ms. Marina Aweliu, Facilitator AMYAA speaking as a Resource person gives an awareness on wide range about Menstrual Hygiene. What is Menstruation?  How to relieve pain during Menstruation? What are the hygiene practices that we should inculcate in our habit during menstruation? When to visit the Doctor? and some environmental implications.

After which Question Hours were open, where, as many student asked their doubt. Followed by the distribution of Free BALA reusable sanitary pads. The programme was ended with a vote of thanks from Ms. Lily Heipoivile, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Physics, MEC.