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Join us for “One day state level workshop on NEP-2020”: on 12th November, 2022 at College Auditorium, 10:30 a.m.

A day’s state level workshop on NEP 2020 is being organized on 12th November, 2022 at College Auditorium -MEC, at 10:30 a.m. by IQAC & Research Committee.
About the workshop: NEP 2020 is the first education policy of the contemporary century which replaces National Policy on Education (NPE) , 1986. It brings many fundamental changes in education system and teacher education too. Higher education is an important aspect in deciding the economy, social status, technology adoption, and healthy human behavior in every country. Improving GER to include every citizen of the country in higher education offerings is the responsibility of the education department of the country government. National Education Policy of India 2020 is marching towards achieving such objective by making innovative policies to improve the quality, attractiveness, affordability, and increasing the supply by opening up the higher education for the private sector and at the same time with strict controls to maintain quality in every higher education institution. By encouraging merit-based admissions with free- ships, scholarships, merit & research based continuous performers as faculty members, and merit based proven leaders in regulating bodies, and strict monitoring of quality through biennial accreditation based on self-declaration of progress through technology -based monitoring. HE system will transform itself as student centric with the freedom to choose core and allied subjects within a discipline and across disciplines. Faculty members also get autonomy to choose curriculum, methodology, pedagogy and evaluation models within the given policy framework. These transformations will start from the academic year 2021- 22 and expected lot more improvement in the years ahead.
Resource Persons :- 
1. Prof. W. Chandbabu Singh
Registrar, Manipur University
2. Prof. I. Gambir Singh
HOD: Department of English and Cultural Studies,
Manipur University
Research Committee, MEC was re-constitute on 18th October. 2021 from the pre-existing formal Committee as per the requirement of NAAC Assessment for having a strong and vibrant higher education ecosystem with an emphasis on research, innovation and technology development. The objective of the Committee is to create conducive environment for promotion of Research & Innovation activities, ensure smooth functioning and effective Management of Research & Innovation activities, Promote collaborative research, encourage faculty members for Major, Minor Research Projects, Incubation, Design and Innovation Centers & others in the institute.
For more information
Contact Details:
1. Dr. Holkhongam Haokip. Chairman, Research Committee.MEC.
Contact No. : +917005461648
2. Niomchung Jatak Chiru, IQAC Coordinator, MEC
Contact No: +918837457681
Personal email:
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